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WasteWise News Roundup: August 

Time running out to enroll in the Next Master Recycler courseBooks There's still time to enroll in the Fall 2023 Lane County Master Recycler Class. Anyone seeking to learn how our local and regional recycling systems function will benefit from this course. Attendance is free in exchange for helping your friends and neighbors to achieve their waste reduction and recycling goals. Meet at the Waste Management Division (3100 E 17th Ave.) from 5-8 p.m. on Wednesdays beginning Sept. 13. Visit LaneCountyOR.gov/MasterRecyclers for an application or contact Kelly Bell, Master Recycler Program Coordinator, at [email protected] or (541) 682-2059. 

Florence Fix-It Fair seeking fixers, volunteers
The Florence Habitat for Humanity will host the third and final Lane County/Toolbox Project Fix-It Fair of 2023 on Saturday, Sept. 23, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Fix-it Fairs are free public events where attendees work with volunteer fixers to repair everyday household items. Lane County and Toolbox Project have previously partnered to bring the events to Springfield (May) and Cottage Grove (July). The Florence event seeks fixers and event volunteers, so if you are interested in participating, email [email protected]. For more information on the event, visit fixitlanecounty.com/calendar Fix-It Fair Repairs

Battery Recycling Roundtable
Government officials and waste management organizations participated in Lane County's first Battery Recycling Roundtable on Aug. 14. Meeting participant input will be used to develop and coordinate a regional strategy to reduce the number of batteries entering the landfill, which can increase the risk of dangerous fires. More meetings are planned for the future. Email Waste Reduction Specialist Maya Buelow at [email protected] for more information on upcoming roundtables.

Regional education website coming soon
WasteWise Lane County is currently developing a website geared toward helping teachers bring sustainability curricula into their classrooms. The site, WasteWiseLane.org, was created based on feedback gathered after the county reached out to 2,000-plus county educators via survey and focus groups in 2022 to gauge how much county students are learning about environmental sustainability topics. “The project will deliver a future-focused digital strategy that elevates local sustainability educational resources and programs,” said WasteWise Lane County Waste Reduction Supervisor Angie Marzano. “We want to make this as ‘plug and play’ for educators as possible. We aim to provide curriculum for educators in varying subjects—ranging from social studies to mathematics to language learning—that adhere to required benchmarks, such as Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).” Stay up-to-date on the site’s progress at lanecountyor.gov/wastewise-schools or by following WasteWise Lane County’s social media channels.

Want to be a community collector?

Lane County Waste Management offers plastic collection for #2, #4, and #5 plastics to "registered" community collectors. Thank you for all you do, community collectors! Only #2, #4, and #5 tubs, bottles, and jugs are accepted. Items must be stamped and presorted by both shape and number. Items must be clean and dry. All decals and adhesive labels must be removed.  To find a volunteer community collector near you, please email [email protected] with your name and complete address, including zip code. If you want to become a registered community collector, please email plasticscollection@lanecountyor.gov with your name, address, and phone number. New community collectors attend a 20-minute orientation at Glenwood Transfer Station. Orientation is by appointment and is limited to two (2) persons at a time.
Posted by LCPWDJH On 30 August, 2023 at 4:14 PM  

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