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Leftover recipe contest spices up Waste Wise Lane County holiday campaign 

Maybe it’s Uncle John’s famous Christmas Ham Sliders or Aunt Lucia’s delectable Thanksgiving Turkey Tamales. How does your family use holiday leftovers? 

Waste Wise Lane County wants to collect your recipes and share them with our community to inspire folks to reduce food waste and save money as part of its second “Simplify the Holidays” holiday campaign.

Leftover  Recipe Contest

The campaign—produced by the Center for Biological Diversity and publicized by Waste Wise Lane County—encourages residents and businesses to reimagine how they view and participate in the holiday season to inspire joy while curbing waste.

This year’s campaign includes a fun addition: a holiday leftovers recipe contest. 

Recipes submitted during the campaign (from Nov. 21 to Dec. 31) will be published on the Waste Wise Lane County food waste prevention website, eatsmartwasteless.tips. Those who share recipes will be automatically entered into a prize drawing, with contest winners announced on Jan. 3.

Prizes include Lion & Owl and BRING gift certificates, free enrollment in Oregon State University Extension Master Food Preserver workshops, and a collection of sustainable products from Main Street Market.

Follow the campaign on Waste Wise Lane County’s social media pages @WasteWiseLaneCounty on Facebook and Instagram. To submit a recipe, use this online form (https://bit.ly/LeftoverForm)

Also, check the eatsmartwasteless.tips for contest rules after Nov. 21.

Waste Wise Tip

 Did you know that 30 to 40 percent of all food produced is never eaten? Think outside the box when it comes to leftovers. For example, consider giving it away, freeze it, or create something new and delicious. 

Posted by LCPWDJH On 20 November, 2023 at 8:02 PM  1 Comment

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