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Waste Wise Tip: YouTube as a repair resource 
Click this link to watch Kelly Bell, Lane County Master Recycler Program Coordinator, share how YouTube has elevated her repair game.

For restaurants, food waste = wasted money. A recent study showed that reducing food waste in the food service sector by just 20% could save businesses up to $7 billion annually!

Recently, Waste Wise Lane County—in partnership with Sanipac—reached out to restaurants in Springfield to challenge them to increase their profits through reduced food waste.

Participating restaurants were presented with options for reducing wasted food, including creatively repurposing surplus foods, using imperfect foods (e.g., edible but bruised produce), donating edible food to local nonprofits, and starting commercial composting.

Over the coming months, we’ll share their food waste prevention stories. Today, we’ll spotlight Juvenal’s Bakery in Springfield (541 W. Centennial Blvd.), which pledged to start composting with Sanipac. Composting can help restaurants reduce their waste hauler expenses because food waste is billed at a less expensive rate than garbage.

If you are a restaurant that wants to start saving money and natural resources while reducing the impact of food waste on climate change, visit lanecountyor.gov/wastewise-food for more resources.

Posted by LCPWDJH On 11 July, 2024 at 12:58 PM  

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