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Reuse & Repair Trivia + What we are reading 

Reuse & Repair Trivia
Congratulations! You're the next contestant on Quiz Time! 

Compete against other readers and see how you fare. This month, have some fun and test your sustainable transportation knowledge!  Click the link below, choose a nickname, and play.
PLEASE NOTE: The game will be active through this month. Good luck!

Reuse & Repair Quiz Source

Right to Repair: https://repair.org/oregon

Topic: Thought Leaders
Author: TED Radio Hour
TitleRepair, Repurpose, Reimagine
Takeaway: “'Reduce, reuse, recycle.' We've heard that for decades—but does it work? This hour, TED speakers reimagine the well-known slogan and reconsider how we think about what we consume and throw away."

Topic: Policy
Author: Forbes

TitleThe Power of Repair: Tackling The Throwaway Economy
Takeaway: “At the most basic level, we want to fix our relationship with the products we buy. This means regaining the confidence to repair products when they break and reconnecting with the 'why' this should be a priority."

Topic: Policy & Transportation
Author: BIKE europe
TitleWhat 'Right to Repair' means for e-bike sellers and manufacturers
Takeaway: "After the new laws are implemented, the responsibility for a quick and environmentally friendly solution suddenly shifts towards the seller."

Topic: Lifestyle
Author: The Guardian
TitleThe great DIY revival: meet the people who’ll try to fix anything
Takeaway: "But there’s good news. If we reuse the 13m items a year we currently throw away or recycle, we could save 930 tonnes of carbon emissions, according to waste management company Suez. This is equivalent to taking 199,000 cars off the road.”

Posted by LCPWDJH On 11 July, 2024 at 1:02 PM  

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