Right-of-Way Permits

Permits are required for facilities (such as access/driveway connections, utility work, sidewalk construction, etc.) or activities (such as parades, bicycle races, traffic control, etc.) within the County right-of-way to protect public safety and public infrastructure. Lane County also administers permits on behalf of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for certain regulations applicable to commercial vehicles. More information and application forms for Right-of-Way Permits are provided below.


Facility Permits

There are four types of Facility Permits: Access Connections (Temporary and Permanent); General Construction; Utility Work; and Other Activities. (Special Events are a separate permit category.)

For more information, click HERE

Special Events Permits

A Special Events permit is required when individuals or groups plan events that will be held within Lane County road rights-of-way including but not limited to parades, bicycle races, and marathons.

For more information, click HERE

Continuous Operation Variance Permits (COVP)

COVP is an annual transportation permit that is valid in multiple jurisdictions in Oregon, including all 36 Oregon counties and ODOT roads. 

For more information, click 

The permits desk is located at the
Public Works Customer Service Center at
3050 N. Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-4pm
Holiday Closures

Phone Number: (541) 682-6902