Public Health Reports and Dashboards

Public Health uses data from a number of sources to inform decision-making and monitor the effectiveness of programs and services. Please check back regularly for the latest reports and data.

Community Health Status

2020 Health Equity Report

Health inequity and health disparities exist in Lane County. Often the differences are greater than what we see on average in the state and the nation. The 2020 Health Equity Report (in Tableau format) allows you to explore data related to health disparities and learn about the potential to improve health through changes in policy and practice.

Our initial Health Equity Report was published in 2017; it is available here

2018-2020 Community Health Assessment

Creating a healthy community is a shared responsibility. By working together, we have the potential to create a caring community where all people can live a healthier life. Live Healthy Lane (LHL) brings together Lane County, PeaceHealth Oregon Network, Trillium Community Health Plan, and United Way of Lane County to develop a comprehensive Community Health Improvement Plan (CHP). As part of the development of that plan, Live Healthy Lane conducts a comprehensive Community Health Assessment (CHA). This CHA includes five assessments: Forces of Change, Local Public Health System, Community Themes and Strengths, Care Integration Assessment, and Community Health Status. Follow this link to find the Community Health Status Assessment. In September 2020, the CHA was updated to include the Health Equity Report

2021-2025 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHP)

The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHP) was completed with the Live Healthy Lane collaborative and is driven by the information in the CHNA. Learn more about the CHP and how you can get involved! 

2023 Oregon Food Insufficiency Report

This report explores the impact of the 2021 child tax credit stimulus on food insufficiency in Oregon using data from the US Household Pulse Survey. 
Report dated June 2023

2023-2024 Vaccination Rates for Schools & Child Care Facilities

Curious about how well-vaccinated the schools in your area are? Oregon Health Authority provides interactive maps which show vaccination rates for all facilities which have an enrollment of 10 or more children. 

2024 Lane County Tobacco Fact Sheet

Oregon Health Authority provides data on the health impacts of tobacco use in our community and more in this 2024 fact sheet

2025 Lane County Health Care Services Assessment

In the fall of 2024, Lane County Public Health invited partners in local healthcare delivery systems to share their perspectives regarding access to health services, including gaps in care and groups experiencing the most significant barriers to access. 

In this report, we provide a summary of Oregon's Areas of Unmet Healthcare Need data and themes from the focus group discussions. At the time of the focus groups, 2024 data were not yet available. As anticipated by some participants, 2024 data do reflect improvements in access to some services in some areas of Lane County. We summarize those trends in the report, including data from 2024. We also present recommendations and strategies identified by participants for improving access to primary physical and mental health care in Lane County.
Report dated January 15, 2025

Lane County Snapshot: Environmental Public Health Tracking

The CDC's National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network has put together health, demographic and environment data for Lane County and other regions around the United States. Check out our snapshot and learn more! 

In-depth Topical Reports

Structural Barriers to Community Health: Birth Inequities in Lane County

Indicators such as infant mortality rate, maternal mortality rate, low birth weight, and preterm birth, when
viewed at the population level, offer an important snapshot into the health status of communities. This report looks at the data broken down by different demographics, such as by race and ethnicity, by maternal age, or by health insurance status. Updated December 27, 2023

Suicide in Lane County 2000-2020 Updated Trends, Risk Factors, and Recommendations

Suicide is a significant public health problem that can have devastating and lasting impacts on individuals, families and communities. This report provides statistics and information on local suicide deaths in order to raise awareness of how suicide impacts our communities, as well as make recommendations on how the public and professionals can play a role in suicide prevention. Published February 7, 2023

Older Reports

2018 Lane County Community-Wide Pertussis Outbreak

The Oregon Health Authority published a summary of the 2018 community-wide pertussis outbreak in Lane County. The report is available here. 

2017 Lane County Health Equity Report

Health inequity and health disparities exist in Lane County. Often the differences are greater than what we see on average in the state and the nation. Read our first of its kind report describing health disparities among communities of color, and the potential to improve health through changes in policy and practice.

2015-2016 Community Health Needs Assessment

The 2015-2016 Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) was completed with the Live Healthy Lane collaborative.

2014-2019 Lane County Health Mapping

Interested in learning more about the state of health in different areas of Lane County? Use this interactive map application to see how different areas within the county are scored and ranked according to Health Outcomes, Health Behaviors and Economic factors. You can choose to compare differences between 144 smaller areas (census tracts and block groups) or 26 larger county divisions. Data available from 2014-2019.

2000-2016 Suicide in Lane County

Suicide is a significant public health problem that can have devastating and lasting impacts on individuals, families and communities. This report presents the first analysis of suicide mortality in our region and provides recommendations for the general public, policy makers, medical and behavioral healthcare providers, social service agencies and schools.