Waste Prevention & Education

Food Waste Prevention Week

Monthly theme: Fashion

March is Fashion Month. Learn about fashion's role in creating waste and its contributions to the climate crisis, and how you can take steps to minimize these impacts. And make sure to sign up for the 
Waste Wise News e-newsletter  and follow Waste Wise Lane County on Facebook and Instagram to stay in-the-know!

Thrift Shopping    

Fast facts

Source: The Center for Biological Diversity

  • Fast fashion is an enormous, rapidly growing industry,
    with the number of new garments made per year nearly
    doubling over the past 20 years and global consumption
    of fashion increasing by 400%.

  • The fast fashion industry is a significant contributor to
    the climate crisis, responsible for as much as 10% of
    global carbon dioxide emissions.

  • Waste occurs at every stage of the garment manufacturing process, harming wildlife, degrading land, and polluting soil and water.

  • Animal-based textiles such as wool are responsible for
    greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution, widespread
    habitat loss from deforestation and grassland
    conversion, and other harms to wildlife. In fast fashion,
    wool is commonly blended with fibers derived from
    fossil fuels and coated with chemicals, further increasing
    the environmental cost of production and disposal of
    these garments.

Test your Fashion Knowledge

Compete against other readers and see how you fare. This month, have some fun and test your knowledge of Fashion! Fashion Quiz

PLEASE NOTE: The game will be active throughout the month. Good luck!

Quiz information provided by
At What Cost? Unravelling the Harms of the Fast Fashion Industry (Center for Biological Diversity, 2023)

Waste Wise Tip: Local partnership uplifts unhoused community while reducing textile waste

Kelly Bell, Lane County Master Recycler Program Coordinator, elaborates on the Re-Patch Program. The program helps empower folks transitioning from homelessness with industrial sewing skills.

Kelly Bell Re-Patch Tip

Sustainable Fashion Resources

Just 3.5 percent: that’s the percentage of a population it takes to engage with an issue (like climate change) to make transformational change. Join the movement and engage.

Have more resources about this topic you want us to add to the list? Drop us a line at [email protected].

FiX iT Lane County

Discard Upcycling

Wildling Collaborative Arts

MECCA Workshops, Classes & Camps

BRING Product Design Challenge

Upcycled Fashion Show (Shelton McMurphey Johnson House & Viking Textile Maker Hub)

University of Oregon Craft Center

Guide to Used Goods in Eugene-Springfield

Take the Jump

St.Vincent de Paul



The Freecycle Network

Buy Nothing

UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion

Centre for Sustainable Fashion

Fashion for Good

Order Free Recycling Boxes & Decals

Order free recycling boxes & decals.

Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act Information

For more information about Senate Bill 582 - Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act, view more.

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