Children, Youth & Families

Evidence-based and Promising Practices:

Evidence-Based Therapy Models & Information for Clinicians

OPAL - K for kids Psychiatric Consultation Line
Monday - Friday 9AM - 5PM
OPAL provides free, same-day, child and adult psychiatric phone consultation to providers and peers in Oregon. Click here to be routed to the Oregon Health &  Science University OPAL website

OPAL-C (COVID-19 Clinician Stress PeerSupport)

OPAL Mental Health Care Guide Downloads:
Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Depression (also see Resources for Grief and Depression)
Eating Disorder
Sleep Disorders
Substance Use

Oregon Health Authority, Early Childhood Evidence Based Dyadic Behavioral Health Treatments: Information and Strategies

Parent-Child Interactive Therapy - PCIT (age 5 and under)

What is PCIT? Read about Deschutes County LAUNCH Project.

Child Parent Psychotherapy - CPP (age 5 and under)
What is CPP? CPP is for children aged birth through 6 years who have experienced trauma such as maltreatment, sexual abuse, sudden loss of a loved one, or exposure to domestic violence. Read more from the Oregon Health Authority.

A list of CPP Therapist in Oregon.

Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)
is a counseling method designed to help the "concerned significant others (CSO's)" of people with substance use disorders, even those who are refusing treatment. CRAFT works with the family, creating lasting systemic change without ultimatums or detachment.
- CRAFT training and certification path opportunity.
- Join to get connected with a wider community of CRAFT-based clinicians and family peer leaders.
- SMART Recovery offers training for LPCs interested in becoming a facilitator (training also available for anyone). It takes about 40 hours of online training (~$125). Once you completed a beginning training in CRAFT-based approach is given and opportunity to start their own SMART Recovery Family & Friends group.

Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Adolescents and Adults)

What is TF - CBT? It is a therapy that targets the following for intervention: Trauma Specific Symptoms (PTSD, Symptoms (PTSD,  Anxiety, Depression, Behavioral disruption,  Shame, Distorted Beliefs).
National Therapist Certification Program information.

Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Practice Parameter for the Assessment and Treatment of Children and Adolescents

Family Resilience
Family Resilience and Traumatic Stress: A guide for mental health professionals

Early Childhood RAPID Response Research
University of Oregon research by Dr. Phil Fisher on Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development (RAPID) - Early Childhood

Parenting Education Resources
Supporting Child and Family Well-Being Curricula Site
Parenting NOW! Parent Educator Curricula

System of Care (SOC), Wraparound
Visit the Lane County SOC website for more information on each governance group and how to join. The Wraparound process is based on a partnership between the family and a child and family team selected by the family. Both SOC and the Wraparound process are team approaches built on partnerships.
- Information on Respite Care (a barrier submitted by the SOC)
- Watch this short video to learn more about Wraparound

Peer Support Information
- American Medical Association, Empathetic Listening Module
- NAMI, The Role of Peer Support in Healing from Trauma
- Webinar: Peer Sharing on Trauma Screening and Assessment, for those undergoing organization-wide trauma-informed care training or looking for models for trauma screening implementation.
- For local trainings on trauma informed care practices visit, The Trauma Healing Project

Support for Children & Families

Family Shelter Referral Form for shelter providing temporary, emergency shelter through the use of congregate shelter and/or pallet shelters, basic services, and case management to households with children in need of shelter. 

Hollaback! Social Media Safety Guides for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Tumblr. Help with defining, reporting, blocking and muting online harassment. Visit Hollaback! here.

Workforce Services is available for 1:1 Career Advising or Computer appointments.
Call 541-686-7985 for more information. 

New Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Service ONE System: 

- Virtual Eligibility Toll Free number 800 699-9075 or  
- To apply for any ODHS services like SNAP, medical card and financial support programs.
- Applicants can also stop by any ODHS office as part of no wrong door application process to get started.

Resource Guides:

Relief Nursery Community Resources
Parenting NOW! (English and Spanish versions)
LaneKids Coronavirus Resource Page
United Way of Lane County’s Response and Resources

Support for Parents & Guardians: 
Parenting NOW! Video Series (Parenting Education):

- “Circle Time Videos” feature parenting educator Ali leading educational and behaviorally beneficial activities for toddlers.
- “Virtual Parenting Support: Live Discussions” are recorded online video sessions conducted by parenting educators with parents covering important topics such as parent self care and establishing routines for children.

Age-Related Reactions to Traumatic Events, how children react and how to help them. 

Are you a foster or kinship parent? Take a look at this flyer for information on Oregon Community Programs Virtual KEEP curriculum 16-week program (includes support groups and skill enhancement and training)

Activities, Books and Visual Aid Resources:
Checkered Past MMA Gym offers youth education about self defense, accountability, and the value of social work to help others. 9 free classes for new comers.

Simple Activities for Children - ideas for no screen time activities, activities with limited supplies, and calming/ quite time activities.

Activities to get kids to open up about their day:
- EMOCards can be utilized in a variety of ways to promote conversations and connections.
- EPIC Magic Emotion Teller, dive into understanding the science of connection with the fun of childhood fortune tellers.

Author Ibram X. Kendi has books for adults, young adults and babies to move us to being antiracist - How to be an Antiracist; Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You; and Antiracist Baby.

Colorful Pages activities on #BlackLivesMatter: K-8 Distance Learning Activities for Justice for George Floyd.

Talking About Race: a website filled with tools for parents on how to talk, learn and think about race with their children.

Pretty Good Design, visual aid to guide  conversations about race with young children.

"13th" - critical documentary on Netflix providing a history lesson on the US's criminalization and imprisonment of African Americans from the slave trade through modern times. Age appropriate for teenagers+.

CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall on Racism, Standing Up to Racism, a town hall for kids and families. Watch the town hall in its entirety.

Information for Children with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

For parents: Oregon Health Authority Developmental Screening Resources (Early Childhood) 
Click here to be routed to the OHA webpage

Lane County Developmental Disabilities Division, supports individuals who experience intellectual and developmental disabilities by coordinating self-directed support services.
- Read this announcement about changes to services (Spanish below)
- Noticias de Cambios a Servicios

State of Oregon: Intellectual and Developmental Disability has information for providers, families, and individuals.
- View this brochure about Services for Children with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities

The American Academy of Pediatrics, published "Addressing Early Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems", providing guidance to child health care systems to improve overall health for children.

EasterSeals offers Recreation Programs for Children with Disabilities.
- Financial assistance application is available for
economically disadvantages children.

Look Me in the Eye is a campaign to break down barriers between all people, particularly those who are marginalized or ignored.

Local Agency Websites:
Lane County Developmental Disabilities
Head Start of Lane County
Early Childhood CARES

Resources on Grief and Depression

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression or severe sadness try these five things to help (taken from
1. Exercise (check out the yoga video below)
2. Eat healthy and make sure you are getting all the vitamins through common foods like fruits and vegetables. Eat regular meals even if you do not feel hungry. Drink plenty of water.
3. Acknowledge the troubles that are causing your sadness but do not dwell on them. When you are ready try opening up to others (Youth Era has great support groups - see below).
4. Express yourself. Creating something loosens up positive emotions. Coloring, drawing, writing, and dancing. Find things that make you laugh like movies, pets, or friends.
5. Try to notice good things. Depression can make people focus on the negative but there is beauty all around. Consider your strengths or blessings. Don't forget to be patient with yourself.

For clinicians, teachers, and parents:

Supporting Child and Family Well-Being provides downloadable information (below) for the "Adolescent Coping with Depression Course" - click on this link for program information.
- Leader's Manual for Adolescent Groups: Coping with Depression
- Student Manual: Coping with Depression 

Assessments & Scales

The Oregon Child Abuse Hotline 855-503-SAFE(7233)

Oregon Health Authority, Developmental Screening and Follow-up Technical Assistance has information on webinars, best practices, and technical support.

PRAPARE is a social determinants of health screening tool that can be implemented into office visits with either front office staff or nurses.
- Social Determinant of Health Questionnaire
- Use this in depth trainers manual for guidance on how to ask social determinant of health questions in a respectful and informed manner.

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Take a mental health test.

Anxiety Screening Tools:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Description
  PTSD Civilian Version
• Primary Care PTSD Screen - Description and Information 
   Print version 5-item Screen  
General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) web-based interactive
   Print version GAD-7 Form
Life Events Checklist - Description and Information
  Standard Self-Report
  Extended Self-Report
  Interview Version with Abuse Ratings
Depression Screening Tools:
Social Connectedness Scale 
Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item- Description
  PHQ-9 Self-Assessment (web based)
  PHQ-9 Print Form
Substance Use Screening Tools:

National Institute of Drug Use Quick Screen
Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT)
CAGE Substance Use Screening Tool (web based)
   CAGE Print Version

Substance Use Disorder: Support for Youth & Families

Alcohol Rehab Help is sourced from current scientific research and fact-checked by an addiction counseling experts. Providing free resources and information to help struggling individuals & families get their lives back on track, including relapse prevention skills.

Al-anon Electronic meetings for anyone affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend.

Allies in Recovery Online support for families dealing with a loved one’s addiction, using the evidence-based CRAFT method (Community Reinforcement and Family Training ). 

Learn to Cope, a non-profit support network that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for parents and family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs. Facebook page had updates on meetings.

Smart Recovery Family, a community peer based group that uses Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) as the foundation for their handbook and has a robust online community through SMART Recovery Online with 40+ weekly online meetings and 24/7 message boards.

Addiction.The Next Step, Is someone you care about struggling with substance use? This Crisis Toolkit is here to help. Journey at your own pace through videos, tips, and other tools designed to help you and your loved one.

The Partnership on Addiction, a free phone-based parent coaching program and support for parents.

SoberFamilies, has CRAFT Resources for families dealing with addiction. Explore books, workbooks, community support groups, and videos that teach the CRAFT method.

#WhyIHaveHope, Hear from those who effect the most change in the lives of people struggling with substances: their families and loved ones. A video series.

"Beyond Addiction" from the Center for Motivation and Change 

"20 Minute Guide" for Partners and for Parents workbooks

"Get Your Loved One Sober" by Dr. Meyers and Dr. Wolfe


Education Resources & Supports :
Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), resource lists to support families engage in conversations with the children and young adults in your home, and to support on-going learning and healing.
- Structural Racism, Behaviors that create a sense of belonging in children
- ODHS list, Online Website and Articles
- ODHS list, Videos, Recorded Webinars, and Audio Resources
- Foster parents, relative caregivers, or adoptive parents, have access to free materials through the Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center (ORPARC) Lending Library
Materials for Parents & Children on Transracial/Cultural Diversity

All youth in Lane County have access to counseling, behavioral assessments and wraparound care and referral assistance from the Mapleton Community Resource Center and Siuslaw Student Resource Center
- to make an appointment call (541) 997-5410
- if your first appointment fill out the online new patient packet

Supporting Students, Families, and School Communities After a Natural Disaster - an Oregon Department of Education wildfire mental health resource document with links and contact info. 

Lines for Life, Crisis Line for Racial Equity Support (503) 575-3764. Staffed by BIPOC counselors M-F from 8:30AM - 5:00PM. 

Oregon Health Authority, Healthier Toget
her, a health equity tool. 

The executive summary below was developed by the Children, Youth & Families task team and includes major conclusions and identified stress and loss points for this population.
Executive Summary.pdf

thank you picture

Thank you to those who put in their extra time, energy, and passion into developing this toolkit for our community:
• Alicia Meenaghan, Lane County Health &Human Services, LaneCare/PacificSource Behavioral Health
• Andrea Vielma, The Child Center
• Bob Johnson, Orchid Health Clinic
• Cynthia Fisher, Lane County, LaneCare, System of Care Site Lead
• Debra Depew, Oregon Family Support Network, Family Partner/ Regional Peer Coach Lane County
• Elaine Walters, Trauma Informed Oregon
• Elton Villanueva, Oregon Department of Human Services, Family Coach, Self-Sufficiency Program
• Emily Little, WellMama
• Katherine Fisher, Oregon Family Support Network, Family Partner
• Leilani Brewer, Lane County, LaneCare, Toolkit Web Master
• Lucy Zammarelli, Lane County, LaneCare Supervisor
• Nan Silver, Trauma Healing Project
• Rustie Anderson, Center for Family Development
• Senna Towner, United Way of Lane County
• Terrance Killian, Relief Nursery
• Terra Ralph, Oregon Department of Human Services

If you have suggestions or questions about this page please feel free to contact Lucy Zammarelli at 541-520-4702 or via email at [email protected]

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