Older Adults & People With Disabilities

Want to know more about the Statewide Older Adult BH Initiative? Click here to be routed to the State site. 

senior loneliness line photo
Senior Loneliness Line  is a free service for older adults (55+) who may be isolated or lonely. A team of volunteers and staff are specially trained in working with older adults and can provide ongoing support, connect you or someone you know with resources, or just listen. Your information is completely confidential. Call (503) 200-1633. 

Helpful Information for Clinicians

 DHS Service ONE System: 
- Virtual Eligibility Toll Free number 800 699-9075 or www.one.oregon.gov  

Ensuring Accessibility and Equity:
Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) - Suicide Training. Lane County frequently holds free of charge training for the community. Contact Del Quest   [email protected] to find out when the next training is. You can also take an online course immediately from the QPR Institute for $29.95.

Download the Columbia Community Suicide Screening Tool for Clinicians.

Advanced Care Planning Resources

Oregon State Advanced Directive - a legal document allowing a person to share their wishes with their healthcare team.
 Advanced Directive Quick Reference Guide.
Oregon Advanced Directive Planning for Important Care Decisions - this is a comprehensive guide that will answer many questions about how to fill out an advanced directive.

PeaceHealth Advanced Care Planning Live Webinar Classes - First Thursday of every month 1-3 pm. Register here.

Oregon Portable Orders For Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) is a form that turns a persons end-of-life wishes into a medical order.

CALMER a Guide for Proactive Planning in Contingency (Caregivers/Clinicians)

This downloadable list includes culturally sensitive and non-English language resources for Advanced Care Planning selected for the public by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

Screening Tools

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Take a mental health test.
        ~~~ Download a 1-page list of the below tools here. ~~~
Cognitive Screening Tools:
Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) - Description
   SLUMS Print Version
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) - Description
  MoCA Self-Assessment (interactive)
  MoCA Print Version
Anxiety Screening Tools:
General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) web-based interactive
   Print version GAD-7 Form
Depression Screening Tools:
Geriatric Depression Scale - Short Form 
  GDS Long Form  
Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item- Description
  PHQ-9 Self-Assessment (web based)
  PHQ-9 Print Form
Substance Use Screening Tools:

Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT)
CAGE Substance Use Screening Tool (web based)
   CAGE Print Version

Basic Needs

FOOD For Lane County | Food Bank in Oregon: Reducing hinger by engaging our community to create access to food.

mowlaneor.org: Meal delivery for homebound seniors in Eugene, Oregon, and surrounding areas in Lane County.

Educational Webinars, Trainings, & Trauma Informed Care

Webinars & Training offerings:
Mental Health First Aid is a national non-profit health promotion charity and teaches how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. There are population-focused training models available including older adults.

trauma healing project logo

Want more? Visit the Trauma Informed Oregon site for information on resources, activities, and training offerings. 

Rental Assistance, Senior Living, and Nursing Homes

Rental Assistance for Older Adult Tenants for tools available to help prevent evictions of older adults, including emergency rental assistance, available across the country through locally run programs.

Oregon Nursing Home Facility Search

The Oregon Office of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman includes three programs: the Long-Term Care Ombudsman, the Oregon Public Guardian, and the Residential Facilities Ombudsman.

People with Disabilities & Mobility Resources

Visit the Oregon Health Authority - Independent Living Services site for information on service offerings and eligibility criteria. 

National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is the nation’s premier center in promoting the health and wellness of people with disability.

Programs and Support Groups

Western Lane Fire & EMS Authority
Call: (541) 997-3515 for info on a monthly survivors of suicide support group.

Oregon Health Authority: Living Well with Chronic Conditions 

Current programs:
- Those living with chronic health needs and HIV, Positive Self-Management Program.
- Spanish-speaking adults (includes older adults) with one or more chronic conditions, Tomando Control de su Salud.

Lane Community College Senior Companion Program is returning to 'in person' service. Call 541-463-6260 and leave a message with: name, phone number, and best time to call you back (can take up to 2 days). 

Virtual and dial-in support groups available through Alzheimer's Association: Events| Alzheimer's Association

For Parkinson's support groups, webinars and in person classes: Parkinson's Resources

The executive summary below was developed by the Older Adult & People with Disabilities task team and includes major conclusions and identified stress and loss points for this population.
View the Executive Summarythank you flower
Thank you to everyone who contributed their time and expertise to develop this toolkit for the community:
• Amanda McCluskey, HIV Alliance
• Bob Johnson, Orchid Health Clinic
• Britni D’Eliso, PacificSource Community Solutions
• Chris Eilers, Lane County LaneCare, Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist
• DeAnn Carr, Trillium Community Health Plan
• Kay McDonald, Lane County LaneCare, Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist
• Leilani Brewer, Lane County LaneCare
• lualhati anderson, Lane County LaneCare, South Central Coast Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist
• Lucy Zammarelli, Lane County LaneCare
• Shawn Murphy, Laurel Hill Center
• Sheila Thomas, Lane Independent Living Alliance
• Tim Landry, PeaceHealth Cottage Grove

If you have any suggestions or questions about this page please feel free to contact Lucy Zammarelli at (541) 520-4702 or at [email protected]