Veterans & Military Families

  Watch this 15-minute video to learn
"15 Things Veterans Want You To Know"

Click this link to learn more about PsychArmor.
To download their course packet click here

Transitioning Veterans/School & Employment

Pre-discharge Claims:
If you are still on active duty you may be able to file a “pre-discharge” claim which could allow VA to process your claim prior to your discharge and start providing benefits as soon as you’ve separated from military service.  More information on this option is available at VA’s Pre-discharge Claim website.
- However, there are some things to consider so please review your options with a Veteran Service Officer before filing any VA claim.  

Eugene Vet Center, some services include: Individual and group counseling for Veterans, service members, and their families; Family counseling for military related issues; Bereavement (grief) counseling; Military sexual trauma counseling and referral; Community outreach and education; Substance abuse assessment and referral; Employment referral; Referral of other VA services.

Eugene Veteran Affairs Health Clinic
Note: this clinic is a part of the Roseburg VA Health Care System

National Archives - Request Military Service Records
- DD-214s can be requested either on-line or by mail. You will receive your DD-214 from the Archives in about about three to four weeks.
- For by mail or online request click here. 

Easterseals Oregon - Supportive Services for Veteran Families provides case management to identify barriers and connect them with community resources such as immediate needs, employment, health care, legal aid, child care services, personal financial planning and transportation. Priority population: unhoused veterans

HUD-VASH Program is a collaborative program between HUD and VA which combines HUD housing vouchers with VA supportive services to help Veterans who are homeless and their families find and sustain permanent housing. 
*St. Vincent de Paul can help! Call (541) 743-7107 

REBOOT Combat Recovery specifically addresses military trauma. Veterans or active duty service members of all eras are welcome to attend. Spouses and caregivers also benefit greatly and are encouraged to attend. The course is 12-weeks long and most locations offer meals and childcare to remove barriers for families who wish to attend. REBOOT is offered at no cost to participants.

Are you not able to visit a veterans grave this year due to travel? Are you able to visit a grave for a family who can't? Click here to learn more. 

Filing Military Discharge with the County Clerk
In order to have access to a certified copy of your discharge you may want to file it with your County Clerk’s office.  Such records are exempt from standard public record disclosures (ORS 408.425) for the limited list of who may access such records. 
Find your County Clerk here
Veteran Service Record FAQ page

Education/School Support
The GI Bill is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Click here for more information about education benefits offered by VA.

Lane Community College, the Maxwell Student Veteran Center is providing student support via email & telephone.
- Vet 2 Vet Peer Mentor Program
- Veterans Education Benefits Certification Information

University of Oregon, Veteran Affairs Office for assistance with VA educational benefits.
- Called to Active Duty?  Here is some guidance on what to do next. 
- Peer Advisors for Veteran Education
- Click here for information on enrolling and what is offered to support veterans at the U of O.

Army Emergency Relief Scholarship Programs, for information on zero-interest loans, grants, and educational scholarships.

Employment Support
Goodwill’s Veteran Connections is proud to offer unhoused (homeless) veterans an individualized, participant-focused and step-by-step guided plan to achieving life-enriching work and career opportunities through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP). Click here to read more about the program and for contact information.

Veterans Career Programs (Formerly PAVE) provides free employment support and vocational counseling assistance to ALL Veterans, transitioning service members, spouses and caregivers.

Paralyzed Veterans of America provides career support services, free career education webinars, and virtual events.

Veteran Readiness and Employment, formerly the VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) service, with a mission to encourage, promote, and support our transitioning and service-connected disabled Veterans’ employment goals.

Visit the U.S. Department of Labor to learn more about the State Level Employment Outcome for Veterans and Disabled Veterans

State of Oregon Veteran Service page has eligibility information and other resources.
- View the success storied of veterans, spouses, and survivors here. 

Homeless and At-Risk Veterans

If you are a homeless veteran in crisis please call 1-800-273-8255 for immediate assistance from a trained VA operator.

Goodwill’s Veteran Connections is proud to offer unhoused (homeless) veterans an individualized, participant-focused and step-by-step guided plan to achieving life-enriching work and career opportunities through the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP). Click here to read more about the program and for contact information.

Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) is a program at St. Vincent de Paul which connects Veterans experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness with the resources they need to become or remain permanently housed.
- If you are a homeless Veteran in crisis please call 1-800-273-8255 for immediate assistance from a trained VA operator.

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC)
Please contact your local Veteran Service Officer who can help determine if your record can currently be obtained from NPRC and help you submit that request.

Easterseals Oregon - Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program works with St. Vincent de Paul to provide veterans with the tools they need to gain new skill sets such as financial literacy, computer training, job search training, and interview guidance. Veterans learn skills to retain employment and become financially independent.
Program Referral Form
Program Qualifications:
- Homeless/risk of homelessness/periods of being homeless
- Unemployed/wanting/seeking employment
- Must have served 1 day of active duty
- Discharge status cannot be dishonorable
- Must reside in Lane or Douglas counties

Crisis Resources & Educational Webinars

Crisis Lines:

Suicide and Crisis line -
Call or Text anytime: 988
Chat online:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
- The Lifeline provides 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention, and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. (800) 273-TALK (8255) (Press 1).

Western Lane Fire & EMS Authority (servicing the community of Florence and Western Lane County). 
Call: (541) 997-3515
Mobile Crisis Response Unit 
Monthly survivors of suicide support group

Suicide Loss Support TAPS special resources and programming provide compassionate care to all survivors of military suicide loss. 

Educational Resources:
The Campaign for Inclusive Care Academy equips doctors, nurses, social workers and frontline medical personnel with training to support Veterans and caregivers.

Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) - Suicide Training. Lane County frequently holds free of charge training for the community. Contact Roger Brubaker at (541) 682-8731 to find out when the next training is. You can also take an online course immediately from the QPR Institute.
Addiction Technology Transfer Center - "Native Veteran Rezilience and Wellness: Provider peer to peer support" Webinar offerings.

As a Christ-centered campus, Bushnell University is dedicated to providing military & veteran students with an exceptional educational experience in a caring environment.

Military Family & Caregiver Resources

United Through Reading offers free books and mobile app for Veterans and military.

Caregivers in every state can now apply for no-cost professional caregiver support from the fund of 75,000 hours made possible by CareLinx, Wounded Warrior Project, and AARP. Learn more.

Survivor Outreach Services can help military family members with benefits and resources (grief, bereavement, compensation, scholarships and more) for non-reportable fallen veterans (e.g. retired, non-reportable rank). Contact Philip Highwood at (503) 309-4251.

Military OneSource is a U.S. Department of Defense's network of support for the military community. Offering  support for: confidential help, military life cycle , family and relationship , moving and housing, financial and legal, education and employment, health and wellness, and much more.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network  was created to raise the standard of care and increase access to services for children and families who experience or witness traumatic events. 

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) provides comfort, care and resources to all those grieving the death of a military loved one through a national peer support network and connection to grief resources, all at no cost.

Outreach Events
Veterans' benefits help Veterans and their families buy homes, earn degrees, start careers, stay healthy, and more. Join an event (live virtual) for conversation and information.

The Young Men's Christian Association provides health and social services for men, women, and children.
The Young Women's Christian Association offers health and social services for women and their families.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Resources

Screening Tools:
PTSD Checklist - Civilian Version

Primary Care PTSD Screen - 5-item Screen
Primary Care PTSD Screen - Description and Information

Life Events Checklist - Standard Self-Report
Life Events Checklist - Extended Self-Report
Life Events Checklist - Interview Version with Abuse Ratings
Life Events Checklist - Description and Information connects Veterans, their families and friends, and other supporters to mental health resources and hundreds of videos of Veterans sharing their inspiring stories of recovery.
The National Center for PTSD is dedicated to research and education on trauma and PTSD. They work to assure that the latest research findings help those exposed to trauma.

Eugene Vet Center, offers a variety of counseling and supports for veterans and their families. Eligibility information here.  

Veteran Financial Resources & Benefits

Veterans and Gold Star Families (next of kin) will have free access to national parks, wildlife refuges and other Federal lands managed by the Department of the Interior.

The Oregon Veterans Emergency Financial Assistance Program (OVEFAP) is for veterans and their immediate family (spouse, un-remarried surviving spouse, child, or stepchild) who are in need of emergency financial assistance. Assistance is granted one time only. Download the application here and click on the link above to find an office to speak with your local Veteran Service Office to apply.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is an assistance program designed to help low-income households with home heating cost. Call (503) 986-2134 for the State Coordinator. Download the eligibility fact sheet here. 
- Current Lane County information here. 

File for a Veteran Pension Non-Service Connected Pension can provide supplemental income to help veterans and their families cope with challenges arising from disability and financial hardship.  Available for war-time era veterans who are disabled due to non-service connected conditions, this benefit provides a minimum level of income to a veteran or surviving spouse.  This benefit, with “Aid and Attendance,” can often help with long-term care expenses.  Call your local Veteran Service Office to get assistance in applying.  Click here to view the ODVA Veteran Services by County.

Lane County Programs/ State Veteran Demographics

Lane County Veterans Service Office can help with questions about veteran benefits for you or a loved one. The Veteran Service Officers are accredited VA representatives who advocate for our community's veterans, and their families, to ensure they receive all entitlements provided by Federal and State law. 

Lane County Workforce Partnership provides job seeker services and  skill building opportunities. 

Lane County Front-Door Assessors for Housing, visit this Lane County website for information on all the agencies that can assess you and connect you with housing services.

National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, this is the Veteran Affair's data page. 

Veteran Affairs Demographics - a very large nation-wide spreadsheet that can be filtered by clicking the state, age, and gender at the top left of the sheet. 

Women & Older Adult Veteran Resources

Women Veteran Support
Women Veterans Call Center : Call or Text (1-855) 829-6636

Center for Women Veterans

Register for a (virtual) training by DVA to educate servicewomen on women’s health care services available from VA after separation from the military.

Roseburg’s Women Veterans Page

Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs: Women Veterans page

Resources for Older Adult Veterans
Lines for Life Senior Loneliness Line is a free service older adults (55+) who may be isolated or lonely. A team of volunteers and staff are specially trained in working with older adults, and can provide ongoing support, connect you or someone you know with resources, or just listen. Information shared is completely confidential. Call (503) 200-1633. 
Veterans who served during a wartime era, or their surviving spouses, may be eligible for a needs-based benefit which can assist with the high cost of long-term care.  VA may award a non-service connected pension benefit with Aid and Attendance by reviewing one’s assets, income, medical needs and medical expenses.  Contact a Veteran Service Officer for an assessment of eligibility and assistance with applying. Search for ODVA Veteran Services by County here. 

Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon 

Easterseals Oregon - Senior Community Service Employment Program is a part-time internship where seniors receive minimum wage to help supplement their income until they receive permanent employment.

Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) & Grandparents Raising Grandchildren  provides services and supports to grandparents and older family members aged 55+ raising grandchildren. Services may include: Information and referral,
respite - including scholarships to camps,
supplemental services - help with purchase of clothes, beds and other essential needs.

Senior & Disability Services- Meals on Wheels is available in 8 Lane County communities and will be delivered by either Senior & Disabled Services or FOOD for Lane County, depending on where you live. FOOD for Lane County serves Eugene zip codes.  S&DS serves Springfield, Cottage Grove, Creswell, Oakridge, Junction City, Veneta and Florence.
The executive summary below was developed by the Veteran and Military Families task team and includes major conclusions and stress/loss points that this population has experienced due to COVID.
Read the Executive Summary here.
thank you american flag heart hands
Thank you to the following people who dedicated their time and expertise in developing this toolkit for our veteran community and their families:

• Cindy Fisher, LaneCare/ SOC Site Lead
• Jennifer Jensen, PeaceHealth Barger Clinic
• Jim Brann, Vet Center Outreach Coordinator
• Jim Jones, Veteran Affairs 
• Joby Reiley, Lane County Veteran Services Supervisor
• Leilani Brewer, Lane County LaneCare
• Lucy Zammarelli, Lane County LaneCare
• Stacey Vasquez, Oregon National Guard
• Whitney Walker, Lane County Veteran Services

If you have any suggestions or questions about this page, please feel free to contact Lucy Zammarelli at (541) 520-4702 or at [email protected]