Project Background
In 2018, Lane County staff participated in the City of Lowell’s Downtown Master Plan process, walking the area to identify needed infrastructure on County roads. Lane County applied for SRTS Infrastructure Grant funding for sidewalk construction in the City of Lowell in 2018 and 2020. Learning from the first attempt at the funding, which was broader in scope (included Jasper-Lowell Road and Moss Street), and leveraging the support developed with regional partners and the relationship strengthened with the City of Lowell, Lane County narrowed the scope of the project and was able to secure the grant funding the second round. Between the two grant cycles, in 2019 and 2020, Lane County constructed ADA ramps at the Jasper-Lowell/Main Street and West Boundary/Wetleau intersections with County Road Funds earmarked for implementing Public Works’ ADA Transition Plan.