Erosion Prevention Requirements and Permit Information

The new erosion prevention code is applicable only within the County MS4 Area around the Eugene and Springfield urban growth boundaries.              

See the County-Administered MS4 Area map or visit the County's Zone and Plan Maps to determine if your property is in the County MS4 Area.

  • Land disturbances that do not need a development permit (e.g., grading work and driveways) may require an erosion prevention permit, even though a development permit is not required.
  • Regardless of whether an erosion permit is required, all land disturbances within the County MS4 Area, unless otherwise exempted, must meet the erosion prevention outcomes of LC 9.090.030.

Erosion Prevention Permit Triggers

Within the County MS4 Area, the following types of land disturbances will be required to obtain an erosion prevention permit:
  • 1/4-acre or 400 cubic yards (CY) or more
  • 5000 square feet (SF) or 200 CY or more AND located in a sensitive area with either:
    • Slopes of 15% or greater, OR
    • Highly erodible soils
  • 5000 SF or 200 CY or more AND either:
    • For commercial, industrial, or multi-family development, OR
    • Located on a property that is zoned for commercial, industrial, or multi-family uses
Please reference the Erosion Prevention permit decision tree to help determine whether a permit is required for your project.

Contact Erosion Prevention staff at:
[email protected]

Submitting for an Erosion Prevention Permit

Permit application forms and helpful handouts, including an example erosion prevention and sediment control plan (ESCP), are located on the Erosion Prevention Documents: Handouts, Forms, and Manual page.

Development in the Eugene and Springfield UGBs

The County has agreements with the Cities of Eugene and Springfield that grant each City the authority to administer city erosion prevention code requirements in the urban growth boundaries (UGB's) surrounding their city limits. Please contact City offices directly if your site is located in one of these two UGBs. Use the links on this page to access the Cities' erosion prevention webpages.