Community Health Centers of Lane County Marks 20 Years of Service to Lane County
Community Health Centers of Lane County (CHCLC) is commemorating 20 years of providing, patient-centered, quality health care services to some of the most vulnerable Lane County community members. The CHCLC began offering health care services to the Eugene/Springfield area on March 1, 2004 at two locations with a small team of employees. Since then, it has expanded to provide services at 6 clinic locations, with two more opening in 2024, and a dedicated staff of over 200. The clinics provide patient-centered preventative and primary care services, pediatrics, integrated behavioral health, and oral health services to nearly 30,000 individuals in Lane County. Clinic staff include bilingual medical providers, alternative care specialists, nurses, patient care coordinators, access specialists and front desk staff.
“Our CHCLC has provided a medical home to tens of thousands of individuals in Lane County, many of whom would otherwise go without basic healthcare,” said Lane County Health & Human Services Director, Eve Gray. “By expanding access and improving the health of our 30,000 patients, we create a positive input to the overall health and well-being of our entire community.”
CHCLC has grown greatly over the last 20 years, and this is not the end. This year the CHCLC will open its first walk-in clinic in West Eugene, and its first ever rural clinic in Cottage Grove. Our pediatric department has increased capacity and is working with local partners to streamline access to services for children that are looking to establish pediatric care.
About Community Health Centers of Lane County
The CHCLC is a federally qualified health center that provides quality patient center care in six locations in the Eugene Springfield area. It is a division of Lane County Health & Human Services. The mission of the CHCLC is to improve the health and wellness of our community through access to affordable, comprehensive healthcare.The CHCLC takes a holistic approach to address the root causes of poor health such as poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, mental illness, lack of access to healthy food, and unemployment.The CHCLC is an essential part of the greater healthcare system in Lane County, collaborating with hospitals, local and state governments, socialservicesand business organizations to improve the health outcomes for medically vulnerable people.
CHCLC has planned a number of activities to mark this important milestone for the month of March, and throughout the rest of the year. Come back to this page for more information and updates!
Click on the image below to view a timeline of the CHCLC's growth throughout the past 20 years.


Established patients: use the link below to enter to win a FREE ticket to the Eugene Emeralds baseball game on Sunday April 21. Winners will be contacted by phone and can pick up a FREE ticket voucher at their clinic location!
Win free baseball ticket.
Pacientes establecidos: usen el enlace a continuación para participar y ganar una entrada GRATIS para el partido de beisbol de los Eugene Emeralds, el domingo 21 de marzo. Los pacientes ganadores serán contactados por teléfono para recoger su vale para el boleto en su clínica de salud.
Gane entrada gratis para partido de béisbol.