Found A Pet?

Why should you Report a Stray?  

Web link to 1st Ave. Shelter

The stray running through your neighborhood may have just escaped out of its yard or perhaps was abandoned several weeks ago.  Pets can be scared and confused by strange surroundings.  They may be hungry or in need of special medical attention.  They run the risk of being hit by cars, taunted, or hurt by cruel people or come into contact with vicious animals.

The 1st Ave. Shelter helps reunite lost pets with their owners,Genie was Adopted from LCASregularly posting animal photos and case numbers on their website so that community members can find their loved ones.

...and it's the Law!
LANE CODE 7.040 Care of Stray Dogs:  All persons must turn over stray dogs to the shelter within twenty-four (24) hours after the person exercises control over the dog or must notify the shelter with the description of the dog, the address where the dog is being kept, and retain possession of the dog for three days after the shelter is notified.  A violation of LC 7.040 constitutes a Class B Violation.

For information on what to do about stray cats visit the Cats webpage.

What Else Can I Do?

  • Check local newspapers and websites under the Lost Pet section
  • Place a found ad if you can.

Where Do I Report a Stray Animal? 
For unincorporated Lane County, the city limits of Eugene or Springfield:  
Contact the 1st Ave. Shelter at (541) 844-1777 
Visit their website:

For other incorporated cities, check with the City Hall or nearest animal shelter.  Remember that even though you may find a pet in one area, it may actually live miles away in another town.  It's always best to file a report with all agencies.