HIV Testing & Prevention Services

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151 W. 7th Ave, Room 310
Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 682-4041 

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Important note: LCPH does not offer needle exchange services. They are offered through the HIV Alliance Needle Exchange.

General Information

According to, about 1 in 7 people in the US who have HIV do not know they have it.

HIV infection can be found in blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk; to become infected, a person must have one of these four fluids come in contact with their blood stream through a break in skin – this can be through your mouth, vagina, anus, tip of penis or other breaks in your skin. Click to learn more about HIV risk and transmission.

The highest risks for contracting HIV are having anal or vaginal sex without using condoms and sharing injection drug supplies. In Lane County and in Oregon, people most at risk for HIV infection are men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs, and partners of people living with HIV, according to Oregon Public Health Division.* 60-70% of all new HIV infections in Lane County and in Oregon are among gay, Bisexual and other men who have sex with men.*

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 be tested for HIV at least once.  People with new partners, multiple partners, injection drug users and men who have sex with men should test regularly (every 3 – 6 months).

* Oregon Public Health Division. “Epidemiologic profile of HIV infection in Oregon.” Oregon Health Authority. Portland, OR. 2017 February.

HIV Testing

Lane County Public Health offers testing for HIV as part of our STI screening services. Other locations for testing are listed on that page as well.


Pre-exposure Prophylaxis, commonly known as PrEP, is a daily medication you can take to prevent HIV infection. If you’re interested in finding out more about PrEP, please talk with your Primary Care Provider (PCP).  If you don’t have a PCP, contact Lane County Charnelton Community Health Clinic and schedule an appointment with Dr. Lisandra Guzman, MD or Dr. Bill Walter, ND, at 541-682-3550.

Living with HIV in Lane County

Lane County Public Health provides health information and referrals for those living with HIV.

HIV Alliance
 provides client services for those living with HIV, including case management or help with HIV services in Lane County.

Needle Exchange Program

The Needle Exchange is made possible by HIV Alliance, which provides health information, treatment options, new needles and the disposal of used needles. The Needle Exchange sites are in place to lower the risk of blood-borne infections (HIV and Hepatitis C) among injection drug users and their families.

HIV Alliance also provides overdose prevention kits and training with Naloxone (Narcan) for people who are at risk of an overdose from opiates.

For more information on the Needle Exchange or Naloxone, please call HIV Alliance at 541-342-5088.

Further Information




LCPH services are available regardless of age, race, color, sex, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and marital status. LCPH facilities are wheelchair accessible. LCPH materials are available upon request in alternative formats such as: large print, Braille and other languages.  This health center receives HHS funding and has federal Public Health Service deemed status with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals.