Ryan Ceniga, Commissioner - District 1 West Lane

Ryan Ceniga
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District 1 - West Lane County
Term: January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2026

Lane County Public Service Building
125 East 8th Street
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 682-4203
Office Hours
By Appointment
Monday - Friday

Commissioner Ryan Ceniga Photo

Ryan Ceniga is a lifelong Oregon resident.  He describes himself as “a blue collar dad with deep roots in West Lane County”.  Ryan lives in the Junction City area with two kids in the public school system, where he serves on the Junction City School Board because he wants to make a difference in his community.  He has always given back to his community with his involvement in service groups, including the Junction City Lions Club, the Junction City Athletics Board and as a coach for his kids’ sports through the years.

Ryan has always worked hard with his hands.  He started working on local farms in high school and had a natural ability with mechanics.  He earned his diesel mechanics diploma with an associate’s degree as a diesel tech.  He worked for Guaranty RV, the City of Junction City and then with EWEB in their water department as a Utility Contractor.  There he manages major infrastructure projects while working with multiple contractors simultaneously.

As a voice for rural lane county, Ryan’s mission is to protect rural families and small businesses.  He gives public safety high priority, including the needed funding to support it.  He is also very aware of the need to keep the Lane County budget under control to protect taxpayer pocketbooks.

Ryan is a people person.  Relationships are important to him.  He wants to always be accessible to all his constituents.  Being willing to find answers and solve problems, His hands-on approach will be a huge benefit to his constituents.

 “Being honored with the confidence of the voters of my district is a huge honor, but an even bigger responsibility. I have a steep learning curve.  I will work hard to continue to earn my fellow West Lane County residents’ respect.  My door will always be open to all as I serve as West Lane County Commissioner”, says Ceniga.