Bibliography of
Diversity Resources
1. Designing & Implementing Successful Diversity Programs .
Baytos, Lawrence M. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1995.
Co-published with the Society for Human
Resource Management. Nationwide, corporate human resource managers list
diversity management as one of their top three priorities for the 1990s.
This cutting-edge guide, with its wealth of ideas, techniques, action
items, plans, and a complete case study, gives managers an understanding
of the new complexity of the workforce and enables them to create and
implement programs that get the best from employees. Complete guidelines
are given for a diversity process, including research strategies,
converting those strategies into action plans, and organizing for
sustained management commitment. Methods are included for enhancing
affirmative action, integrating diversity and work/family initiatives,
testing career mobility systems, and much more.
2. Dismantling Racism: The Continuing Challenge To White America .
Barndt, Joseph. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 1991.
Addresses the issues facing white
Americans of dismantling and deconstructing racist privilege. Clarifying
a number of important issues, from personal to institutional to
cultural racism, Brandt also addresses racism in the church. Recommended
to anyone working in the field of social justice and social diversity
as well as those trying to understand what the issues and roles of white
Americans are concerning race and racism. Non-threatening, it does not
attack or try to promote guilt, but does call for some critical thinking
and evaluation.
3. Diverse Teams at Work: Capitalizing on the Powers of Diversity.
Gardenswartz, Lee and Rowe, Anita .Irwin Professional Publishers, 1995.
Showing how to manage many differences
inherent to today's teams, this book provides an analysis of the primary
dimensions of diversity and how they shape expectations and team
behavior; guidelines for building relationships across diversity lines;
and key tips for resolving conflicts, solving problems and making
decisions as a highly diverse group.
4. Enter the River: Healing Steps from White Privilege Toward Racial
Reconciliation . Shearer, Jody Miller. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1994.
5. Racial Healing: Confronting the Fear Between Blacks & Whites .
Dalton, Harlon L. New York, NY: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group. Inc., 1995.
"A careful, utterly candid, and engrossing
analysis…To anyone deeply concerned about black-white relations in
America…Dalton deserves a high-five—and a thorough read."— Christian Science Monitor.
6. Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys . Kindlon, Dan, Ph.D. and
Thompson, Michael, Ph.D. New York: The Ballentine Publishing Group, 1999.
Two of the country's leading child
psychologists share what they have learned in more than thirty-five
years of combined experience working with boys and their families. They
reveal a nation of boys who are hurting--sad, afraid, angry, and silent.
Kindlon and Thompson set out to answer this basic, crucial question:
What do boys need that they're not getting? They illuminate the forces
that threaten our boys, teaching them to believe that "cool" equals
macho strength and stoicism. Cutting through outdated theories of
"mother blame," "boy biology," and "testosterone," the authors shed
light on the destructive emotional training our boys receive--the
emotional miseducation of boys. Kindlon and Thompson make a compelling
case that emotional literacy is the most valuable gift we can offer our
sons, urging parents to recognize the price boys pay when we hold them
to an impossible standard of manhood. They identify the social and
emotional challenges that boys encounter in school and show how parents
can help boys cultivate emotional awareness and empathy--giving them the
vital connections and support they need to navigate the social
pressures of youth.
Featuring a reader’s companion…. "Brilliant…required reading for anyone raising—or educating—a boy." -- The Washington Post.
7. Teaching Diversity and Social Justice: A Sourcebook for Teachers and
Trainers . Adams, Maurrrianne, et al .. Routledge, 1997.
This book provides an excellent resource
for educators, trainers, group facilitators, HR professionals and anyone
working with teams! The book details workshop outlines, activities, and
learning theories in a very accessible format. Recommended to anyone
working with diverse teams and communities in any educational or
training environment.
8. Teaching Diversity: Listening to the Soul, Speaking from the Heart.
Gallos, Joan V., Ramsey, V. Jean, et al. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 1997.
Teaching Diversity brings together the
voices and collective experience of 17 management educators currently
engaged in diversity teaching and learning from a wide range of
experience and preparation. Each contributor renders a heart-felt
account of their feelings and experiences in training tomorrow's leaders
to value diversity.
9. Teaching/Learning Anti-Racism: A Developmental Approach.
Derman-Sparks, Louise and Phillips, Carol Brunson . New York, NY: Teachers College Press, 1997.
An anecdotal study outlines the prospect
of more open and harmonious relations between African Americans and
whites that explains the importance of up-front communication and risk
taking. Anti-racism education is not an end in itself but rather the
beginning of a new approach to thinking, feeling and acting.
10. The Color of Faith: Building Community in a Multicultural Society . Matsuoka, Fumitaka. Cleveland, OH: United Church Press, 1998.
Provides a theological perspective on
racial and ethnic plurality by exploring such issues as alienation
across shifting race lines, race and justice; the interworkings of race,
class, and culture; and signs of hope amid an enduring culture of
opposition. Interdisciplinary in its approach, this is a constructive
theological work that reflects on the role Christian faith communities
play in a multiracial society and forges a new vision of human
relatedness and community building.
11. Uprooting Racism: How White People Can Work for Racial Justice .
Kivel, Paul. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers, 1996.
Can white people work for racial justice?
Kivel's tells average readers how to intervene against racism in
situations where it's usually encountered: at work, in public, and on
the home front. It's easy not to get involved in massive political
stances; but hard to ignore the practical advice and examples here,
which share stories and advice on how to fight racism at home. An
outstanding book on human rights in North America.
12. White Awareness. Katz, Judith H. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1978.
A handbook for anti-racism training. While
this book is 20+ years old, Katz offers a useful resource to examine
various aspects of racism. I use this book with college students in an
introductory course on "race, class, and gender" and the students find
the exercises useful in beginning to explore many issues.
13. Working Together: Producing Synergy by Honoring Diversity .
Arrien, Angeles. Pleasanton, CA: New Leaders Press, 1998. Writings of
Mikhail Gorbachev, John O’Neil, Riane Eisler, Norman Lear, B. J. Hately
and Warren Schmidt, and fifteen others.
1. Diversity Beyond the Golden Rule.
Anthony P. Carnevale and Susan C. Stone. In this article Workforce Diversity Organization Cultures.
"What are the management – level issues involved in corporate
diversity initiatives? An exploration of the theory and practices of
diversity can help us understand why it is an important leadership
2. Diversity: The Fourth Dimension.
Charles Smith, M.S.W.
- Creating Reality
- Changing the reality with individuals and families.
- Changing the community reality.
- Changing the Organization’s reality
3. Is Diversity Working?
Robert J. Grossman.
"Diversity is the latest tool in the evolving world or race relations, but is it the best?"
4. Making Differences Matter: A New Paradigm for Managing Diversity.
David A. Thomas and Robin J. Ely. Harvard Business Review.
What it takes for organizations to reap the real and full benefits of
a diverse workforce. A radical new understanding of the term, "for
5. Race in the Workplace.
Robert J. Grossman..
"The nation’s workplaces still struggle to become colorblind."
6. The Practice of Honoring Diversity .
Lee Mun Wah. Oakland, CA: Stir Fry
Seminars & Consulting, 1997. (Note: Copies of this short article are
on hand at the Lane County Diversity Analyst’s office.)
A guide of practical ways to practice diversity promoting exercises and techniques at meetings and in the workplace.
7. White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
Peggy McIntosh . This essay is excerpted from Working Paper 189.
"White and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming To See
Correspondences through Work in Women Studies" (1998).
"I was taught to see racism only in individual acts of meanness, not in invisible systems conferring dominance on my group."
1. Affirmative Action: What You Need to Know?
Charlene Marmer Solomon.
"Thirty years after the passage of the
Civil Rights Act – which established affirmative action – a debate rages
over its continued necessity. HR must know the facts and implications
of the debate so it can maintain and manage the diverse work force
needed to compete in today’s market."
2. Are White Males Being Left Out?
Charlene Marmer Solomon.
"If diversity programs are as effective as
they should be, white males should benefit as much as women and
minorities. Why then do they feel so left out?"
3. Corporate Culture vs. Ethnic Culture.
Jeffrey Goldstein, PHD, and Marjorie Leopold.
"Don’t avoid the issue of diversity in the workplace. Bring it out in the open and talk about it."
4. Corporate Response to Work Force Diversity.
Charlene Marmer Solomon.
"Any progressive companies want every
employee to receive some type of diversity training or orientation, such
as about glass ceiling and stereotypes".
5. Kinney Narrows the Gender Gap.
Jennifer J. Laabs.
"A gender – awareness program has enable Kinney Shoe Corp. to better
integrate men’s and women’s work and communication styles into the
organization, thereby strengthening its competitive advantage".
Behavior Tapes:
- Non-Violent Crisis Intervention-Prevention, Volume I
- Non-Violent Crisis Intervention-Therapy
Communication Tapes:
- Communication I
- Listening-communicating non-defensively
- The Power of Listening
Cultural Tapes:
- Blue-Eyed
- Ethno-Cultural, Tape 1
- Ethno-Cultural, Tape 2
- Racial Differences in America – Prime Time Live
Management & Supervisory Tapes:
- Wealth Innovation & Diversity
- The Abilene Paradox
- Best of CMR
- Increasing Human Effectiveness
- Introduction to Supervision
- Meetings, Bloody Meetings
- Productivity I
- Power of Excellence
- Total Quality Management
Presentation Tapes:
- Effective Public Speaking – Audio tape
Sexual Harassment Tapes:
- Shades of Gray – Tape 1
- Shades of Gray – Tape 2
- Shades of Gray – Tape 3
- Shades of Gray – Tape 4
- Shades of Gray – Tape 5
- Power Pinch