Sex Offender Supervision

Specialized supervision is afforded to all offenders convicted of sexual offenses. Several validated risk assessment tools are utilized in conjunction with the Oregon Case Management System, (OCMS). risk instruments to ascertain supervision level and assist identification of cases appropriate for sex offender notification.  

The Static-99 is a ten item actuarial assessment instrument created by R. Karl Hanson, Ph.D. and David Thornton, Ph.D. for use with adult male sexual offenders who are at least 18 year of age at time of release to the community. It is the most widely used sex offender risk assessment instrument in the world, and is extensively used in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and many European nations.   It is designed to estimate the probability of sexual and violent recidivism among adult males who have already been convicted of at least one sexual offense against a child or non-consenting adult.

The Stable and Acute Assessments are also completed on those offenders who have qualifying offenses.  The Stable assessment measures long-term risk where the Acute assessment measures short-term risk. Most Sexual Offenders are referred to specialized sex offender treatment programs which use evidenced based practices and a structured, cognitive-behavioral and skills oriented treatment model.  P&P also provides periodic polygraphs to detect whether offenders are following the conditions of their supervision.  

The Treatment Plan should, at a minimum, address the following topics:

a.       Sexual arousal (including deviant and non-deviant; and sexual knowledge);

b.      Emotional/Self-regulation (including anger, stress, and anxiety management; and impulse control);

c.       Social relationships and social support (including family and collateral support; social and dating skills);

d.      Personal risk factors/Re-offense prevention (including level of denial; key risk factors related to situations, contacts with individuals, behaviors and emotional states; offense cycle triggers);

e.       Life skills (including perspective taking/empathy; problem solving; use of leisure time money management; employment/job training; and living situation);

f.        Special needs (including mental retardation; developmental disabilities; mental illness; physical disability; medical illness; substance abuse/addictions, medications [medical and/or psychotropic];

g.  Special issues    (including  potential for family reunification needs, special supervision conditions); and

h.   Key areas for PPO monitoring (describe critical areas for monitoring based on the offender assessment and include the need for safety plans).  A safety plan is a written agreement between the therapist, PPO, offender and supervision. 

Treatment goals will include, but are not limited to: 

a.       Diminish attraction to sexually deviant behavior, replace with appropriate alternatives and acquire an appropriate level of sexual knowledge;

b.      Develop internal controls consistent with a healthy and offense-free lifestyle;

c.       Create and maintain contacts and activities that promote pro-social attitudes and behaviors.  Develop skills in forming and maintaining healthy, age appropriate relationships;

d.      Understand personal risk factors and develop relapse prevention strategies to avoid at-risk behaviors and recidivism;

e.        Learn life skills and create a living and work situation that fosters offense-free living; and

f.         Address “Special Needs” (e.g., MR/DD/MI) in a fashion that promotes treatment success.

Currently Lane County supervises approximately 400 sexual offenders.

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