Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC)
DIC benefits are awarded to surviving spouses or dependent children of deceased veterans in one of two situations:
First, this benefit is awarded if the veteran’s cause of death is due to his or her military service (“service connected death”). This requires that a health condition related to service was at least a contributing cause of the veteran’s death. The condition need NOT have been recognized as service connected prior to the veteran’s passing.
Second, DIC is available if the veteran was either:
a) continuously rated at 100% (including “unemployable”) for the 10 years preceding death; or
b) continuously rated at 100% for the 5 years preceding death, if rated at 100% effective the day after military separation; or
c) was a former POW and rated at 100% for at least one year prior to death.
Surviving Spouse Pension
Please see Pension Information
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