Week of August 30, 2006


9:00 a.m.                                             (Commissioners’ Conference Room)



(Maximum time 20 minutes:  Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes.  If the number wishing to testify exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.)


   2.      COMMISSIONERS' REMONSTRANCE (2 min. limit)




BEGINNING OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  (2 min.)


a.         Approval of Minutes:

July 12, 2006, HACSA, 8:00 a.m.

August 2, 2006, HACSA, 9:00 a.m.


b.         ORDER 06-8-30-1H/In the Matter of Accepting Bids and Awarding Contracts for the Weatherization of Homes, Phases 06-R-0039 and 06-R-0040. (Craig Satein)  (View Material)


END OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


   4.      EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660





(following HACSA)                 (Commissioners’ Conference Room)





(Maximum time 20 minutes:  Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes.  If the number wishing to testify exceeds 7 speakers, each speaker's time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.)




   4.      COMMISSIONERS' REMONSTRANCE (2 min. limit)


   5.      RESOLUTIONS


a.         RESOLUTION 06-8-30-1/In the Matter of Proclaiming September 6, 2006 as Good Neighbor Day. (Commissioner Dwyer) ( 5 min.)  (View Material)




a.         RECOGNITION/In the Matter of Recognizing Rick LaBlue, PW - Sign Shop, a S.A.V.E. Award of 20 Hours of TM. (Faye Stewart) (10 min.)  (View Material)


b.         REPORT/ CVALCO Semi-Annual Report. (Kari Westlund) (15 min.)  (View Material)




a.         Announcements



(All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below.  There will be no separate discussion of these items.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.)


BEGINNING OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ( 2 min.)


A.        Approval of Minutes:

July 10, 2006, Special Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

August 15, 2006, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.

August 15, 2006, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.


B.         Assessment and Taxation


1)         ORDER 06-8-30-2/In the Matter of a Refund to Various Taxpayers in the Amount of $3,237.90.  (View Material)


C.        Health and Human Services


1)         ORDER 06-8-30-3/In the Matter of Establishing One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Developmental Disabilities Specialist Position for Lane County Developmental Disabilities Services Effective September 1, 2006.  (View Material)


2)         ORDER 06-8-30-4/In the Matter of Appointing Four New Members to the Lane County Health Advisory Committee.  (View Material)


D.        Management Services


1)         ORDER 06-8-30-5/In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of Surplus County Owned Real Property to Rina Yuriko Francisco for $500 (Map #17-03-20-22-06500, Adjacent to 1910 Myers Rd., Eugene).  (View Material)


E.         Public Works


1)         ORDER 06-8-30-6/In the Matter of Accepting a Deed of Land to Be Used as a Public Road Easement for County Road No. 380 (Horn Lane) (20-03-15).  (View Material)


2)         ORDER 06-8-30-7/In the Matter of Load Posting the Green Creek Road Bridge at MP 0.23 (a Local Access Road).  (View Material)


END OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *






a.         FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING Ordinance 8-06/In the Matter of Amending Chapter 7 of Lane Code to Add a Provision Pertaining to Capturing and Killing of a Dog or Cat (LC 7.122) (Second Reading and Public Hearing September 13, 2006, 1:30 p.m.). (Mike Wellington) ( 5 min.) (View Material)


  10.     PUBLIC WORKS


a.         DISCUSSION/Consideration of Setting a Work Session to Discuss the Division Avenue Bridge. (Ollie Snowden) (5 min.)  (View Material)


b.         ORDER 06-8-30-8/In the Matter of Appointing Peter Graham, Jan Nelson and John Sundquist to the Vegetation Management Advisory Committee. (Orin Schumacher) (5 min.) (View Material)


c.         FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. PA 1237/In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From "Agricultural" to "Marginal Land" and Rezoning That Land From "E-40/Exclusive Farm Use" to "Ml/Marginal Land", and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (file PA 05-5985, Ogle) (Second Reading & Public Hearing: September 13, 2006, 1:30 pm). (Jerry Kendall) (5 min.)  (View Material)    (View Material Part 2)    (View Material Part 3)    (View Material Part 4)    (View Material Part 5)    (View Material Part 6)    (View Material Part 7)    (View Material Part 8)    (View Material Part 9)  


d.         FOURTH READING AND DELIBERATION/Ordinance No. PA 1236/In the Matter of Adopting a Conformity Determination Amendment Pursuant to RCP General Plan Policies - Goal Two, Policy 27. a. vii. and Goal Four, Policy 15, Adopting the Plan Designation of Forest (F) and the Zoning Designation of Impacted Forest Land (F2) for 37.5 Acres Located in Section 32, Township 20, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, and identified as Tax Lot 1700 of Lane County Assessor Map 21-02-06, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File: PA 06-5476 Symbiotic LLC, USACE). (NBA & PM 7/19/06, 8/2/06 & 9/23/06). (Bill Sage) (15 min.)  (View Material)  








  14.     EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660

            (Commissioners' Conference Room)




1:30 p.m.                                 (Commissioners’ Conference Room)




a.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 06-8-30-9/In the Matter of Authorizing a Grant of Easement and Maintenance Agreement Over a Portion of County-Owned Land Identified as Tax Lot 17-02-26-00705, Commonly Known as Vickery Mountain Park. (Frank Simas)   (View Material)


b.         PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL ORDER 06-8-30-10/In the Matter of the Surrender of a Portion of Prairie Road (County Road Numbers 184 and 203) and a Portion of Bailey Lane (County Road Number 783) to the City of Junction City. (NBA & PM 8/2/06). (Bill Robinson)   (View Material)


c.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 06-8-30-11/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA 06-5071, de Palma). (Kent Howe)   (View Material)


d.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 06-8-30-12/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA 06-5027, Troutman). (Kent Howe)   (View Material)


e.         PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 06-8-30-13/In the Matter of Considering a Ballot Measure 37 Claim and Deciding Whether to Modify, Remove or Not Apply Restrictive Land Use Regulations in Lieu of Providing Just Compensation (PA 06-5098, Malcolm). (Kent Howe)   (View Material)






*NOTE:  Estimated Times



*NOTE:          Next scheduled Board of Commissioners' Meeting Tuesday, September 12 and/or Wednesday, September 13, 2006.

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