LCSO Search and Rescue

Sheriff's Office badgeSAR Logo

Search & Rescue Manager - Tim Chase - 541-682-8560
Search & Rescue Coordinator - Monica Larcom  - 541-682-6982

Water Safety Guide

Whether you are swimming and boating in the ocean, lake or river, be aware of your surroundings and consider the following water safety tips and suggestions.
  • Never take your eyes off of children in the water - even for a moment!  If in a group, take turns watching with other adults.  Stay alert and avoid distractions like reading or using the cell phone.
  • Children should always wear a life jacket while on a boat or near water.  The life jacket should fit snugly and not allow the child's chin or ears slip through the neck opening.
  • Do not rely on inflatable toys.  If your child can't swim, stay within an arm's reach.
  • Teach children to swim at an early age as well as the skills needed to be safe in various types of water.
  • Make sure children swim in areas designated for swimming.
  • Teach children not to dive into unfamiliar water because you never know what's hidden under the surface.
  • Do not let children under the age of 16 operate a personal watercraft such as a jet ski.
  • Learn infant and child CPR and rescue safety tips.
  • Alcohol and boating don't mix.
  • Take a boating education course.
  • Participate in a vessel safety check program offered every year for free by the Lane County Sheriff's Marine Patrol.

Float Plan
Basic Outdoor Survival

No matter where you are going, be prepared for emergencies and make it a habit to carry the essentials with you everywhere.  Here are some tips that will help you not need search and rescue services.
  • Leave a note with someone listing your destination, route and when you are returning.  Also, list the gear you are taking with you.
  • If you go with someone, know their level of experience and never separate.  If you go alone, understand the risks.
  • Learn about the area you are heading to, the trails, hazards, campsites, water sources and habitat.  If possible, take a map.
  • Mark your trail with bright flagging of the trail becomes hard to see.
  • Look around you so you know what the area looks like from different directions.
  • Plan for sudden changes in weather and health.
  • Have a compass and know how to use it.
  • Eat and drink often.
  • Keep dry as hypothermia can develop quickly.
  • Use common sense

Take the Essentials
  • Map
  • Compass
  • Extra Food and Water
  • Firestarter
  • Warm Clothing
  • Flashlight / Headlamp
  • First Aid Kit
  • Whistle
  • Rain / Wind Gear
  • Pocket Knife / Hatchet
  • Large Garbage Bags
  • Sunscreen and Bug Repellent
  • #550 Parachute Cord
  • Signal Mirror (or an old CD)