Tobacco in Lane County

The Lane County Tobacco Prevention and Education Program (TPEP) team collaborates with local municipalities, businesses, schools, non-profits, and community partners to implement comprehensive, evidence-based practices to prevent tobacco usage and reduce the burden of tobacco-related chronic disease in our community including:

  • Assisting Oregon Health Authority (OHA) with the enforcement of The Oregon Indoor Clean Air Act
  • Empowering individuals to quit commercial tobacco and educating communities to prevent individuals from beginning to use tobacco and nicotine
  • Creating Tobacco-Free Environments 
  • Countering Pro-Tobacco Influences

Our work encompasses all commercial tobacco and nicotine products, such as cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and other products as they emerge.
the most recent Lane County Tobacco Fact Sheet from OHA, the annual toll of commercial tobacco in Lane County is:

  • 25.9% of Lane County adults regularly use tobacco and 15% are current cigarette users.
  • 46,300 Adults who regularly smoke.
  • 4,100 people with a serious illness caused by commercial tobacco.
  • 846 tobacco related deaths.
  • 15.0 million dollars spent on tobacco related medical care.
  •  295.3 million dollars in productivity loss due to premature tobacco related deaths.

For more information on the impact of commercial tobacco in Lane County, refer to the Lane County Tobacco Fact Sheet.

Lane County Tobacco Information and Resources

Indoor Clean Air Act

Oregon’s Indoor Clean Air Act (ICAA) was put in place to protect citizens from the negative health effects of secondhand smoke. ICAA prohibits smoking indoors, as well as any smoking within 10 feet of any entrances, exits, or windows of public spaces. It also covers accessibility ramps and air-intake vents. The ICAA doesn’t just cover combustible nicotine products, like cigarettes and cigars, it covers inhalant delivery systems, such as vapes and e-cigarettes. 

Public spaces include any enclosed spaces open to the public, such as a private business or a public library. If you witness a possible violation, there is a reporting system through Oregon Health Authority (OHA). To make a report fill out the online complaint form or call 1-866-621-6107.

Indoor Clean Air Act – For Businesses

Enforcement and Reporting: The Indoor Clean Air Act (ICAA) places responsibility on business owners to enforce smoke and vape-free environments, with fines for violations. Business owners can visit Oregon Health Authority's ICAA Frequently Asked Questions website to learn more about how to comply. Members of the public can report violations. If you see a possible violation of the ICAA, you can fill out the online complaint form or call 1-866-621-6107.

Tobacco Retail Licensure and Compliance: Businesses selling tobacco or inhalant delivery system products are required to obtain a tobacco retail license. A tobacco retail license is administered by the State of Oregon's Department of Revenue. To learn more about the 
state's tobacco retail licensing program, visit here.

Quit Support

Tobacco Education and Community Outreach

  • Policy, System, and Environmental Changes: Lane County focuses on policy, system, and environmental changes to promote a healthier environment for its residents. This includes implementing smoke-free policies in various settings. 
  • Reducing Industry Influence: Efforts are made to reduce the influence of the tobacco industry in retail stores. This might involve regulations or policies to limit advertising and promotion. 
  • Reducing Disparities: Lane County Public Health aims to identify and eliminate tobacco-related disparities in all populations, addressing the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities. To learn more about our work reducing disparities visit the Breathe Easy Lane County webpage.
  • Tobacco Industry Targeting: The program acknowledges that the tobacco industry targets vulnerable communities and uses tactics to attract youth and young adults.

Tobacco, Smoke, and Vape Free Environments

A priority of TPEP is to aid communities in creating more tobacco, smoke, and vape-free environments in Lane County. This includes policies and resolutions that can expand the number of public spaces that are tobacco, smoke, and vape-free such as businesses, parks, campuses, and other public areas. To learn more about how you can make your space tobacco, vape, and smoke free visit one of the resources below:

Outdoor Areas and Events
Multi-Unit Housing
K-12 Groups
College Campuses
Hospitals and Health Systems
Behavioral Health Systems

Youth Smoking and Tobacco 21

One of the primary goals of Lane County TPEP is to prevent youth from beginning to use tobacco and nicotine. One key strategy to prevent youth initiation is by enacting higher minimum age of purchase for tobacco, vaping, and nicotine products.

On March 14, 2017, the Lane County commissioners, acting as both the Board of County Commissioners and the Board of Health, approved an ordinance raising the legal age to purchase or possess tobacco products to 21. This ordinance (17-01) went into effect on April 13, 2017. Shortly after, the State of Oregon passed a statewide policy, Senate Bill 754, that raised minimum age of purchase to 21 for all tobacco and vaping products in Oregon. This legislation led to significant decreases in tobacco initiation and ease of access for youth under 21 years old. To learn more about the impact of Oregon’s Tobacco 21 Law, visit here. 

Get Help to Quit Tobacco

Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or visit to get started.

TTY: 1-877-777-6534

A guide to help you quit tobacco. Resources Available in Lane County, Oregon.

Click the image for additional resources to help you quit tobacco.

Dejar el tabaco

Llame al 1-855-DEJELO-YA (1-855-335356-92) o visite para más información.

TTY: 1-877-777-6534

Guía para Ayudarle a Dejar de Consumir Tabaco

Youth Vaping Prevention

Resources are available for helping teens interested in quitting nicotine and vaping. Teens can text "DITCHVAPE" to 88709 (Truth Initiative) or call 1-800-784-8869 (1-800-QUIT-NOW) to access confidential counseling and resources to help quit. For other resources available to teens wanting to quit, click here. 

Flavored vaping and nicotine products are popular among today's youth. A flavor ban is an effective policy option to help reduce tobacco and nicotine for both youth and adults in Lane County. To learn more about flavors bans, click here