Law Library

Picture of Oregon legal books on a shelf

The Lane County Law Library will be CLOSED Monday February 17th, 2025. We will return on Tuesday February 18th at 8:00am.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the library may not be available at times not listed. If you have visited when staff are unavailable, please feel free to leave us a note, email us or leave a voice mail. We will follow up at our earliest opportunity.


Lane County Law Library
125 East 8th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401
(located in the basement of the Lane County Public Service Building, across the hall from Jury Assembly)

p: 541-682-4337
c: 458-234-3423


[email protected]

8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday

Law Library staff are generally available during all open hours, except from 12:00-1:00pm.

However, the Library may be unstaffed for appointments, meetings, and time off. Advance notice will be posted whenever possible, but patrons are encouraged to call in advance of their visit to confirm staff availability.

Typical library services include:

Legal reference and research assistance
Local referrals and resources
Circulation of materials to attorneys
Comprehensive print collection with particular emphasis on Oregon law, and specialized legal databases

To learn more or ask a reference question, contact library staff by phone (call/text) or email. Don't forget to leave a voice message if no one is able to immediately answer your call!
The Law Library circulates Continuing Legal Education (CLE) materials and other printed matter to Oregon State Bar-licensed attorneys and Oregon-licensed private investigators. Contact library staff to request titles and arrange for pickup.

Up to two CLE course books + audio CD sets may be checked out at a time for a period of two weeks.

Current CLEs available at the Law Library:
Current CLE list by Call Number

All CLEs currently available for credit can also be found in the Law Library's online catalog by choosing "Location" from the drop-down menu and entering "CLE" in the search box.