FEBRUARY 16, 2011 Minutes



February 16, 2011

following HACSA

Board of Commissioners’ Conference Room

APPROVED 3-15-2011


Commissioner Faye Stewart presided with Commissioners Jay Bozievich, Rob Handy, Sid Leiken, and Pete Sorenson present.  County Administrator Liane Richardson, County Counsel Stephen Vorhes and Recording Secretary Melissa Zimmer were also present.




Item 5.C.1) will be pulled.




Charlotte Maloney, Eugene, stated she was interested in the Lane Health Authority.  She supported the concept.  She said she has been active in health care reform.  She indicated that the agencies set a model for other communities in the state.  She supported the concept written in the proposal.


Cynthia Kokis, Eugene, said women always have concerns about health issues.  She said the idea of having the Lane Health Authority and local health services integrated is wholesome.  She wanted to know how they were going to move on this as a County.  She thought it should be Lane County instead of a larger region.


Betty Shirley, Eugene, was interested in the health authority.  She commented that if they don’t do this as a County now, the state will form a larger region.   She thought the single payer Medicare for everyone is the only way they can limit the cost of health care.


Ann McLucas,  Eugene,  distributed packets.  She said this had to do with Jim Gillette’s challenge.  She said if there is any fact that is false on the fact sheet he will stop complaining.  She said Gillette needs an answer as to why these things are not true. She said that Gillette is doing good for the County, his land is open to the public and people use it free of charge and he wants to make it a park.  She said that Gillette has been fined and he paid money without a proper hearing. She stated the Board needs to acknowledge Gillette’s mistakes that were made and the fact that he has rectified them.


Jim Gillette, Eugene, discussed his list of facts.  He asked the Board when he had his fine to give him a hearing.  He said they received a letter from John Cole, the Planning Director at that time to say they had done an inspection on his property on July 26 and there was still RV’s on his property.  He stated it was a fabrication.   He said if any of the facts are untrue, he will walk away.  He said he signed agreements and he hired lawyers because the County was going to foreclose on him.  He wants to end this before it is a trial by the press.  He stated that he will find another way to fight it.  He asked what good Public Comment is because the Board doesn’t do anything.




Sorenson stated that he was willing to reopen the Gillette case.  He said there are facts that were brought up and settlements were made.  He wanted to make it clear that when people come to Public Comment that he listens.  He asked Gillette to write a letter and bring it to Public Comment on exactly what he wants the Board to do and then the Board can decide if they want to do it.


Handy attended St. Vincent de Paul’s First Place Family Day Center on Valentine’s Day.  He announced that on March 17 is Project Homeless Connect at the  Fairgrounds.


Stewart said the Gillette matter has been difficult when there were multiple actions that took place from a previous court hearing.  He said the last thing they had to deal with was some of the things Gillette had said and how he was treated.  Stewart said he brought items to Gillette’s attention, but Gillette never addressed them.  He said they have minutes where people came in to testify to the Board after these dates stating that people were still living on the property and in RV’s.  Stewart recalled that Gillette said the people were incorrect.  Stewart was waiting for information from Gillette.  Stewart said he had to take facts that were on the record and until the facts are proven that they are not true, it is hard to come to a concrete conclusion.








A. Approval of Minutes


May 6, 2009, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

February 2, 2011, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.

February 2, 2011, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.


B. County Administration


1) ORDER 11-2-16-1/In the Matter of Appointing Herb Vloedman to the Lane County Budget Committee.


2) ORDER 11-2-16-2/In the Matter of Reappointing Ashley Miller to the Lane County Budget Committee.


C. Health and Human Services


1) ORDER 11-2-16-3/In the Matter of Appointing Four Members to the Human Services Commission Community Action Advisory Committee.


D. Public Works


1) ORDER 11-2-16-4/In the Matter of Awarding a Three-Year Personal Services Contract (with the Option of Renewal) to Cascade Health Solutions and to i3 Screen for the Purchase of Alcohol and Drug Testing.


E. Youth Services


1) ORDER 11-2-16-5/In the Matter of Authorization to Submit Three Assistance Applications for Title II Funds from the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management for the Department of Youth Services FY 10-11 and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Required Agreement Documents. 


MOTION:  to approve the balance of the Consent Calendar.




VOTE: 5-0.




Bozievich spoke with staff about his concerns.  He was unclear when it came to the packet what process led to making these appointments.  He said staff indicated there wasn’t a strong process.  He wanted to move forward with an amendment to the Board order taking the two Lane County positions out of the order and appointing the two city positions at this time.  He wanted to ask staff to go through a posting of the two positions so there is a review.  He noted that one of the two appointees has had attendance issues.


Steve Manela, Human Services Commission, explained that they are working on the reappointment of the four positions to the Community Action Advisory Committee and staff went through the process with the cities of Eugene and Springfield.  He noted the four public official designee slots have a process of asking the mayor from those cities to appoint those positions.  He said during the course of the process staff had a discussion with Legal Counsel about the good governance board order and the district representation.  He contacted Leiken and Bozievich and those district positions didn’t need to be reappointed according to Legal Counsel.  He said they did not have a process of checking with the chair of the Board regarding reappointing these people.  He noted these appointments were made during the calendar year.  He indicated that staff was looking for continuity.  He said the option would be to go ahead and have affirmative marketing of the positions for Lane County, or set up another process with the Board for their appointment.  He added the other issue is that they have an advisory committee meeting coming up this Thursday and they are in the process of getting advice on the committee.


Stewart asked Bozievich if he would be comfortable to appoint the positions because they are just for a year.  He said they should make the statement they want a better process of making the appointment in the future.


Bozievich responded that he would be comfortable with appointing the positions for one year.  He was disappointed they didn’t get to talk about this in advance.  He hoped for a better process next year.


Sorenson wanted a report back in six months on this issue.


MOTION: to approve ORDER 11-2-16-3.


Bozievich MOVED, Leiken, SECONDED.


VOTE:  5-0.




a. Announcements.


Richardson announced she had a Settlement Conference to attend in Federal Court and she will have to leave the meeting early.


Stewart received a request to have him sign a support letter to Sponsors.


b. ORDER 11-2-16-7 Adopting Positions on Legislative Issues During the 76th Legislative Session


Alex Cuyler, Intergovernmental Relations Manager, discussed the Legislative Committee Report.  (Copy in file).


MOTION: to move they approve the whole package minus HB2804.


Handy MOVED, Bozievich SECONDED.


Sorenson stated he will be a no because of the monitor on the plastic bags.


Bozievich asked to amend the motion to pull SB536 on the plastic bags.


Handy accepted the amendment.  Bozievich SECONDED.


VOTE:  5-0.




MOTION: that the Board oppose HB204.


Handy MOVED, Sorenson SECONDED.


Bozievich asked if it was legal for someone who was not a citizen of the United States to vote in the state of Oregon.


Vorhes didn’t know the answer.


Bozievich stated he said it was not legal for someone to vote who was not a citizen.  He asked why they are objecting to have their voter rolls with legal voters.   He wanted to monitor this because he didn’t see the money tied to it.  He was against the motion.


Leiken was okay with monitoring this, but he might oppose it.  He said he didn’t want to deal with the undue financial burdens they keep wanting to put on the County.


Stewart wanted to see it monitored and wants to hear what the Clerks will do before they take apposition.  He was concerned about the ramifications.


Sorenson stated they should take the step of opposing legislation.  He said this will affect few non-citizens, because they are not trying to register to vote.  He said the bill has unintended consequences, keeping people from voting because not everyone can prove citizenship for voting.  He stated it will put in an additional burden.


VOTE: 2-3 (Bozievich, Leiken, Stewart dissenting). MOTION FAILS.


MOTION:  to continue to monitor HB 2804.


Leiken MOVED, Bozievich SECONDED.


VOTE: 3-2 (Handy, Sorenson dissenting).


MOTION: to move to support SB 536.


Sorenson MOVED, Handy SECONDED.


Handy stated that this has bipartisan support.


Sorenson thought the Board has the opportunity to part of others  that are supporting this legislation.


Leiken stated that he wants to monitor.  He indicated that this is a bill that is getting interest.  He wants to monitor before they make a decision.  He doesn’t want to make a decision until they see all the details.


Bozievich commented that it is still a ban on plastic check out bags available for consumers by choice.  He wanted to monitor this item.  He said this bill has pre-emption in it.  He added there would be a loss of local control included in this bill.  He didn’t support the motion.


Stewart also wanted to monitor this.  He said if he were to take a vote he would be leaning toward oppose.  He said it is about education and taking pride where you live and doing the right things.  He said you need to educate people to do the right thing.


VOTE: 2-3 (Bozievich, Leiken, Stewart dissenting) MOTION FAILED.


MOTION: to continue to monitor SB 536.


Leiken MOVED, Bozievich SECONDED.


VOTE:  3-2 (Handy MOVED, Sorenson SECONDED).


ORDER 11-2-16-6 /Sending a Letter to the Oregon Federal Delegation Indicating Support for Federal Tax Return Offset


Cuyler recalled that last year they sent similar letters.  He said it had good co-sponsorship from the Oregon Delegation.  He said late in the session Senator Wyden introduced S3989 and the Board sent a letter in support.  He said what this measure will do if made into law is to direct additional dollars to state courts.  He said the reason for the letters is that the National Center for State Court has been the organization pushing for this legislation. He indicated that they contacted him and they wanted to introduce this again to the house and senate simultaneously.  They asked for Lane County to send these letters.


MOTION: to approve ORDER 11-2-16-6.


Leiken MOVED, Bozievich SECONDED.


VOTE: 5-0.




Stewart explained that this is a request by NACo, for their annual meeting to take place in Portland from July 15 to July 19.


Sorenson added that thousands of people will be attending this conference.  He said that some of the commissioners around the state have agreed to promote the convention to get counties to participate.  He thought they had an opportunity through Travel Lane County for pre and post promotions to Lane County.


Stewart stated that the Board has a discretionary fund and they could appropriate the funds for this.  He said that NACo is involved with public lands and have partnered in trying to reauthorize Secure Rural Schools.  He was supportive of the conference and making some level of contribution to the conference.


Handy asked Sorenson if he spoke with Travel Lane County.


Sorenson said he hadn’t.  He said the focus of the host committee and the company promoting the NACo Conference is getting sponsorships for the NACo Conference.  He thought they could leverage the money they might get.  He thought the County should contribute at least $2,000.


Bozievich was supportive of NACo’s efforts on the Secure Rural School funding.  He supported the conference.  He was upset with Multnomah and Clackamas County because they have been causing AOC not to support the continued construction of the Junction City Hospital.  He didn’t want to contribute to a conference that would benefit Multnomah County.


Handy asked if this could be a board assignment and have Richardson speak with Kari Westlund at Travel Lane County to see what they are doing.


Leiken supported this.  He said this made sense.  He thinks they should approve $2,000.


Stewart said that Richardson should speak with Kari Westlund and report back.




a. Announcements






a. DISCUSSION/Lane Health Authority.


Karen Gaffney, Health and Human Services, reported that the state is beginning to arrange how they want to look at health care reform in Oregon.   She wanted to know which way the County wants to proceed.


Bruce Abel, Lane Care, indicated the state and the new governor are pushing for changes in health care in Oregon.  He said they are positioning Oregon for future medical health care changes.    He explained they created an Oregon Health Authority, blending funds from a variety of payment streams for medical services.  He said they are trying to integrate the funding streams and the delivery of services.   He said the state has a plan, but if local areas can come up with their own plan, the state would consider those proposals.  He understood the state’s plan is to have regional health authorities and with five regions.  He said it would pair Lane County with Coos, Curry, Benton and Douglas counties.  He thought Lane County should have its own regional health authority.  He wanted authority from the Board to bring conversations forward for actual planning.


Abel reported the state is also pushing for the development of accountable care organizations.  He said those are changes in the delivery system.  He believed the County should be involved in those discussions.  He said they are calling it the Lane Integrated Health Consortium or LIHC.  He said they won’t know how it plays out because it takes County and state funds along with Senor and Disabled Services and LIPA funds.   He believes they have about two months to make a proposal to the state to have Lane County as a stand alone region, otherwise they run the risk of being with the other five regions.  He believes the County has to be a player in the design and development, maintenance and implementation of these health care reforms.


Gaffney explained that whatever they design is suppose to improve the health of the people who live in Lane County.  She added that it is supposed to save money spent on health care and a quality service delivery.  She said that whatever they design has to be able to meet that portion.  She indicated the state is focusing on the Medicaid system.


Sorenson thought it was important how they implement the federal and state health reform legislation.  He said they have to have public involvement in the development of the proposal.


Handy stated they need to have a Lane County Regional Health Authority.  He was concerned that there might be $40 million in funding that would be impacted. 


Bozievich supported this in concept.  He wanted local control.


Leiken thought conceptually this was a good idea.  He wanted to leverage as much money as they possibly can. 


MOTION: to support Health and Human Services participating actively in the formation of the Lane Health Authority, Lane Integrated Health Consortium and subsequent accountable care organizations.




VOTE: 5-0.




Handy asked the Chair and the Agenda Committee to consider the VMAC Advisory Committee item that needed to come back under the Board of Health.  He recalled that Bob Hart with the Lane Historical Society was to be on an agenda.  He also wanted a regular check in about the Ice Arena and how they are moving toward their goal in March to raise money.


Stewart announced the meetings for next week.


10.       EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660

(Commissioners' Conference Room)


Per ORS 192.660 (2)(h) for the purpose of discussing pending litigation.




Sponsors Letter


Stewart explained that he received a request from Ron Chase, Sponsors to support a letter that Chase had drafted to the PSCC.  He said the request is for the Board to sign a letter requesting the PSCC have the opportunity to make another appointment to the committee.


MOTION: to approve sending a letter supporting Sponsors.




VOTE: 5-0.


There being no further business, Commissioner Stewart recessed the meeting into Executive Session at 1:55 p.m.


Melissa Zimmer

Recording Secretary

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