An unobstructed view on private property and planting strips within the public right-of-way must be maintained for safety reasons.
Along all roadways and intersections:
- Vegetation (trees, shrubs, plants, etc.) cannot encroach upon or overhang a walkway, planting strip or road.
- Trees must be trimmed to 9 feet above a pedestrian way or planting strip and trimmed to 15 feet above a roadway.
- Vegetation cannot obstruct the view of traffic signs, signals, street lights or other safety fixtures or markings placed in the right-of-way.
- Noxious vegetation (weeds or grass more than 10 inches high, poison oak or ivy, tansy, ragwort, thistle and blackberry bushes) must be removed within the UGB or on properties zoned RR-5, RR-2, RR-1 and RA.
At intersections only:
- Vegetation cannot obstruct visibility between 30 inches and 10 feet in the visual clear zones.
Permits are required for any plantings or improvements in the public right-of-way, including planting strips. Applications for a
Facility Permit are available from Lane County Public Works by calling 541-682-6902.