Filing Complaints
LCAS no longer provides code enforcement services for situations that occur in the incorporated city limits of Eugene. Please call the City of Eugene Animal Services at (541) 687-4060 or visit their website:
Eugene Animal Services.
For situations that occur outside the incorporated city limits, please review the following as it pertains to your complaint.
Please be prepared to provide our office with the physical address of the animal owner involved with your complaint.
You may submit your complaint to our office via phone at 541-682-3645 or via email at [email protected].
*Please be advised that you may file your complaint no later than 3 weeks from the incident date*

Animal Abandonment
Owner's that are in the process of moving or on vacation may have made arrangements for a caretaker to look after their animals. If you feel that an animal has truly been abandoned, is neglected or sick, please call our agency so that we can follow-up on the situation. Please provide as much owner information as you can such as name, new address, or landlord information. Abandonment is a violation of Lane Code 7.105.
Animal Abuse
If you witness a person causing physical injury or death to an animal, please contact our agency. Animal Abuse is a violation of Lane Code 7.120.
Animal Injured/Sick
If you see an injured or sick animal, please report it to this agency immediately. If you have owner information to provide our agency, we will follow-up with the animal owner to determine the cause of the injury or sickness and proceed as necessary.
If you find a sick or injured domestic animal outside of our normal business hours and you feel the animal needs immediate care, you can take the animal to the Emergency Veterinary Hospital at 1821 Pioneer Parkway, Springfield, OR 97477. Please ONLY attempt to transport the animal if you feel that you can safely do so. If you feel in any way that your safety is at risk, leave our agency a voicemail and we will attempt to locate the animal as soon as we are available. The Emergency Veterinary Hospital does not take in injured or sick wildlife, livestock, or feral cats.
Animal Neglect
An animal owner must provide "minimal care" which means care sufficient to preserve the health and well being of an animal.
- Does the animal have sufficient quantity and quality of food for normal growth or maintenance of body weight?
- Does the animal have access to potable water in sufficient quantity to satisfy its needs?
- Does the animal have veterinary care deemed necessary to relieve distress from injury, neglect or disease?
- Does the animal have shelter that has a sufficient structure to protect the animal from wind, rain, snow or sun? Does it have bedding adequate to protect the animal from cold and dampness?
Animal neglect is a violation of Lane Code 7.125
Dangerous Behavior (DB)
If you have witnessed a dog while at large, that has menaced, chased, displayed threatening or aggressive behavior or otherwise threatened or endangered the safety of any person, domestic animal or livestock, you can file a complaint for Dangerous Behavior. This is a violation of Lane Code 7.130.
If you have witnessed a dog that has bitten someone whether at large or on its own property at the time of the incident, it is in violation of Lane Code 7.130.
For more info please select from the following links:
DB License Fees Court Info DB Process
Dangerous Behavior/Failure to Comply
If you know of a dog that has been Classified as having Dangerous Behavior, and you are a witness to the dog being out of compliance with the restrictions, you may choose to file a complaint.
Formal Complaint Defined
Your written and signed statement explaining the alleged violation that you witnessed. If the animal owner pleads not guilty and requests a hearing, you will be notified and must appear in court as the witness to give your testimony.