Communicable Disease

151 W. 7th Ave., Room 310
Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 682-4041

Se habla español

For TTY/Relay Services, dial 711

(541) 682-2455

Communicable Disease

Communicable diseases can be transmitted from person to person or from animal to person. The Lane County Public Health (LCPH) Communicable Disease section serves to prevent and control the spread of communicable diseases through investigation, providing immunizations, education and treatment.

Oregon state law requires the tracking of communicable diseases in order to prevent and control disease outbreaks. To ensure the safety of the community, the law also requires Physicians, Healthcare Providers and Labs to report all “reportable” diseases to LCPH.

Flu Vaccine

Cold vs. Flu Symptoms

Cold vs. Flu

Cold vs. Flu SPA
Image Credit: CDC