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ORDER AND RESOLUTION 24-12-17-01/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 24-25 Supplemental Budget #2, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-02/ In the Matter of Approving a Contract with SpearMC Management Consulting, Inc., and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contract and All Contract Amendments in an Amount Not to Exceed $250,000. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-03/ In the Matter of Accepting Clean Energy to Communities In-Depth Technical Assistance Partnership Funds in the Amount of $500,000, from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, owned by the U.S. Department of Energy, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Subcontract with the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC and All Contracts or Agreements Associated with Award. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-04/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 4 and Chapter 60 to Update County Fees Policies (LM 4.005.010 and LM 60.800). (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-05/ In the Matter of Initiating a Text Amendment to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to Authorize an Extension of Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) Services to the City of Creswell and Authorize the Board Chair to Submit a Five Million Dollar Water Resources Development Act Funding Request to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Design Services Related to Extension of Sewer Line to Serve City of Creswell. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign Agreements with the City of Cottage Grove, City of Creswell, and Weyerhaeuser NR Company to Approve an Extended Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption Request and a Waiver of the Employment Requirement. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-07/ In the Matter of Approving Contract Actions with Looking Glass Community Services, Oregon Trail Council and Boy Scout Troop 100, PeaceHealth Medical Group, Oregon Health Authority and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator or Their Designee to Sign the Approved Actions. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-08/ In the Matter of Approving Two Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign and Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments for TEC Equipment, Expense in the Amount of $185,500; and EcoSort, LLC, Expense in the Amount of $130,000. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-09/ In the Matter of Allocating up to $10,000 from Special Revenue Fund 260 in the Department of Public Works, as Established by the Harriet Ruby Smith Trust, for Contribution to the Willamette Animal Guild (WAG) Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Program. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-10/ In the Matter of Accepting a Jail-Based Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Grant Program Award in the Amount of $404,555 Administered Through the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Grant Documents and All Related Contracts. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-17-11/ In the Matter of Approving a Contract with Redpoint Construction Management, LLC to Serve as the Owner’s Representative for the Construction of the CleanLane Resource Recovery Facility and Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Contract, Expense in the Amount of $354,810. (ROLLED to 1/28/25)
ORDER 24-12-18-01/ In the Matter of Approving a Lease Contract Between Lane County Youth Services and Nexus Family Healing and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator or Their Designee to Sign a Lease Contract Between Lane County and Nexus Family Healing, and a Tripartite Agreement with Oregon Health Authority, Nexus Family Healing and Lane County. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-18-02/ In the Matter of Approving Project Awards under Title III of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination Program under Public Law 117-58; Initiating Projects and Obligating Funds. (PASSED)
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ORDER 24-12-10-01/ In the Matter of Readopting Lane Manual Provision Related to Investment Policies (LM 4.010.020). (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-10-02/ In the Matter of Accepting a Building Resilient Infrastructure for Communities (BRIC) Grant from the United States Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the Amount of $2,850,000 and Accepting a Matching Grant Award from Business Oregon’s Special Public Works Fund up to $500,000 for Mapleton Water District Water Storage Tank and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Award Agreements and Associated Contracts and Documents. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-10-03/ In the Matter of Accepting a Deed of Land to be Used for County Road Purposes for Kiwanda Street, County Road No. 856. (18-12-04-42-03800). (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-10-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing Signing Authority to the County Administrator for a Public Road Easement Granted to Lane County by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service for the Benefit of Alexander Road, County Road No. 776. (16-09-00-00-00100). (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-10-05/ In the Matter of Approving Three Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments for Branch Engineering, Inc., Non-financial; Peterson Caterpillar, Expense in the Amount of $346,405.33; and DPI Security, Inc., Expense in the Amount of $361,350.00. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-10-06/ In the Matter of Approving Compensation Adjustments and Health Insurance Plan Changes for Non-Represented Classifications. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-10-07/ In the Matter of Approving a Contract Amendment with St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County, Inc., and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Amendment, Expense in the Amount of $50,000. (PASSED)
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ORDER 24-12-03-01/ In the Matter of Accepting the FY24 Inflation Reduction Act Community Change Grant from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Lane County Transformation for Resiliency Through Equity and Engagement (Lane TREE), a partnership with United Way, to Invest in Six Facilities and Create a Network of Community Resilience Hubs and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Grant Award and Associated Contracts, Subcontracts, Subawards, and Related Documents. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-03-02/ In the Matter of Accepting Congressionally Directed Spending (Community Project Funding) in the Amount of $1.5 Million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for Immediate Occupancy Improvements at Lane Events Center Facilities, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Award Agreement and Associated Documents. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-03-03/In the Matter of Awarding a Contract Amendment to Ameresco, Inc. in the Amount of $914,237.00 for Comprehensive Design Services of the Public Service Building Central Plant Upgrade Project, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract Amendment. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-03-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing a Sale of County Owned Tax Foreclosed Real Property for $3,448 to William Marcus Anthony, Former Owner of Record, Map No. 17-04-16-42-13300, Tax Account 1615135, in Eugene, Oregon. (PASSED)
ORDER AND RESOLUTION 24-12-03-05/ In the Matter of Increasing Appropriations in Revenue and Expenditures in the Amount of $141,294 and Adding 1.0 FTE Program Services Coordinator 2 Position, 1.0 FTE Community Service Worker 2 Position, and 1.0 FTE Community Service Worker 2-Bilingual Position, in Fund 285 Within the Department of Health and Human Services for 1115 Waiver Services. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-12-03-06/ In the Matter of Approving Contract Actions with Lane Community Health Council, Medtrainer Inc., City of Springfield, Northwest Natural Gas Company, Homes for Good Housing Agency, TruMed Systems Incorporated, Lane County School District 4J, Western Lane Fire and EMS, HIV Alliance, Willamette Family, Inc, ShelterCare, White Bird Clinic, Lane Independent Living Alliance, Oregon Family Support Network, Justusson, Diana Meloche, Lane Community College (LCC), A Family for Every Child and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator or Their Designee to Sign the Approved Actions. (PASSED)
ORDER AND RESOLUTION 24-12-03-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign Agreements with the City of Cottage Grove, City of Creswell, and Weyerhaeuser Corp. to Approve an Enterprise Zone Property Tax Exemption Extension for an Additional Two Years (A Total of Five Years) and a Waiver of the Employment Requirement to Support a $120 Million Dollar Facility Upgrade of Weyerhaeuser’s Cottage Grove Sawmill. (PASSED)
ORDINANCE NO. PA 1387/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land From “Agricultural” to “Residential”; Rezoning That Land From “E-25/Exclusive Farm Use” to “RR-10/Rural Residential”; and Taking an “Irrevocably Committed Exception” to Statewide Planning Goal 3; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (PASSED)
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ORDER 24-11-12-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Two Members to the Public Health Advisory Committee (LM 3.085.025). (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-12-02/ In the Matter of Approving Contract Actions with Washington County, Lane Community Health Council, ShelterCare, Inc., PacificSource Administrators, Union County, Yamhill County, Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Willamette Family, Inc and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator or Their Designee to Sign the Approved Actions. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-12-03/ In the Matter of Approving a Contract with Cornerstone Associates, Inc. and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contract (Expense in the Amount of $182,522.73). (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-12-04/ In the Matter of Accepting a Grant from the United States Department of Energy for Expansion of Consumer Battery Recycling Services and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute all Resultant Contracts and Agreements, Revenue in the Amount of $1,019,547. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-12-05/ In the Matter of Setting a Public Hearing for the Vacation of a Portion of Fisk Street, a Public Road, in the Plat of Fisk’s Addition to the Town of Glenada, Located in Section 35, Township 18 South, Range 12 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County Oregon. (18-12-35-33). (PASSED)
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ORDER 24-11-05-01/ In the Matter of Accepting of a Serbu Funds Grant in the Amount of $101,748 From the Oregon Community Foundation for Calendar Year 2024 and to Authorize the County Administrator to Sign and Execute Any Grant Award Documents. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-02/ In the Matter of Accepting a Bureau of Justice Assistance BJA FY24 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program Grant in the Amount of $550,000 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Approve the Grant Award and Execute Associated Contracts. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-03/ In the Matter of Approving Four Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments for Garten Service, Inc., Expense in the Amount of $5,000; Friends of Buford Park and Mt. Pisgah, Non-Financial; Mount Pisgah Arboretum, Non-Financial; and Oregon Department of State Lands, Revenue in the Amount of $115,000. (PASSED)
ORDER & RESOLUTION 24-11-05-04/ In the Matter of Considering a Resolution for Presentation to the Oregon Legislature and the Governor Voicing Support for the Work of the Universal Health Plan Governance Board. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-05/ In the Matter of Approving an Application for the Creation of an Extended Detention Program in Youth Services and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator or Their Designee to Submit Application and Sign Contract. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-06/ In the Matter of Adjusting the Base Annual Compensation of Lane County’s Elected Assessor. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-07/ In the Matter of Adjusting the Base Annual Compensation of Lane County’s Elected District Attorney. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-08/ In the Matter of Adjusting the Base Annual Compensation of Lane County’s Elected Justice of the Peace. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-09/ In the Matter of Providing a Cost of Living Compensation Adjustment to Lane County’s Elected Sheriff. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-10/ In the Matter of Addressing Salary Compression for the Base Annual Compensation of Lane County’s Elected Sheriff. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-11/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement between Lane County and the American Federation of State, City and Municipal Employees Nurses Unit for 2024-2027. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-12/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement between Lane County and the American Federation of State, City and Municipal Employees General Unit for 2024-2027. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-13/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement between Lane County and the American Federation of State, City and Municipal Employees General Unit – Mental Health Specialist 2 Bilingual Grade Change. (PASSED)
ORDER 24-11-05-14/ In the Matter of Approving Contract Actions with Live.Grow.Share, LLC; Laurel Hill Center; Shangri La Corporation; Bracole Care, LLC; and ShelterCare and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator or Their Designee to Sign the Approved Actions. (PASSED)
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