Week of September 1, 2010


(9:00 a.m.)              (Harris Hall Main Floor)

(estimated time)


All individuals are expected to observe respectful behavior and decorum during all Lane County Public meetings.  Anyone acting in a disruptive, disorderly or threatening manner, or using excessive profanity, will be asked to voluntarily leave the meeting, and may be precluded from participating in future opportunities for public comment.  If an individual continues to behave in a disorderly and disruptive manner, and refuses to voluntarily leave the meeting, then the Chair may request a law enforcement officer to escort the individual from the meeting. Please be courteous, respectful and refrain from extraneous conversation.  Please turn off or mute your cell phone or pager.



9:00 a.m. estimated time  


2.         PUBLIC COMMENTS #

9:05 a.m. estimated time  


(Expected maximum time 30 minutes:  Speakers will be taken in the order in which they sign up and will be limited to 3-minutes per public comments.  If the number wishing to testify exceeds 10 speakers, then additional speakers may be allowed if the chair determines that time permits or may be taken at a later time.)



9:35 a.m. estimated time  



9:45 a.m. estimated time  


a.         ORDER 10-9-1-11/In the Matter of Approving a Reimbursable Agreement with Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) for Sweet Creek Road Retaining Wall Construction Project to be Funded through the Oregon Forest Highway Program and that the County Administrator be Authorized to Execute the Agreement. View Material



9:50 a.m. estimated time  


 (All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below.  There will be no separate discussion of these items.  If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately.)


BEGINNING OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * * * (estimated 2 minutes)


A.        Approval of Minutes:

August 6, 2008, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

March 31, 2010, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

July 27, 2010, Regular Meeting, Following HACSA

July 27, 2010, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

August 3, 2010, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.

August 3, 2010, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

August 17, 2010, LC Financial Stabilization Summit 1, 8:00 a.m.

August 17, 2010, Regular Meeting, 2:00 p.m.


B.        Assessment and Taxation


1)         ORDER 10-9-1-1/In the Matter of a Refund to Shorewood Packing Corporation in the Amount of $278,859.06 (Anette Spickard, Assessor)

 View Material


C.        County Administration


1)         ORDER 10-9-1-2/In the Matter of Appointing a Justice Pro Tempore for the Central Lane Justice Court Through January 7, 2011. (Jeff Spartz, County Administrator) View Material


2)         ORDER 10-9-1-3/In the Matter of Transferring $4,000 from General Fund Operational Contingency to Materials And Services Within Expense to Help Fund a Series of Board Of Commissioners’ Outreach Meetings on the Future  of the Fairgrounds. (Jeff Spartz, County Administrator) View Material


D.        District Attorney


1)         ORDER 10-9-1-4/In the Matter of Delegating Contract Signature Authority to the County Administrator for the District Attorney's Office Unitary Assessment Grant (Department of Justice - Crime Victim Services Division) (Alex Gardner, District Attorney)

 View Material




E.         Health and Human Services


1)                  ORDER 10-9-1-5/In the Matter of Adding One Full Time (1.0 FTE) MHO Care Coordination Specialist Effective September 1, 2010 and Appropriating an Additional $83,724 in Revenues and Expenditures for 2010-2011 in Fund 287 Department of Health & Human Services (Non General Fund). (Rob Rockstroh, Health and Human Services Director)

 View Material


2)                  ORDER 10-9-1-6/In the Matter of Appointing Seven Members to the Mental Health Advisory/Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee and One Member to the Human Services Commission Community Action Advisory Committee. (Rob Rockstroh, Health and Human Services Director) View Material

F.         Management Services

1)         ORDER 10-9-1-7/In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of Surplus County Owned Real Property to the City of  Eugene for $1.00 MAP #s 17-01-17-14-00300 (Adjacent to N. Terry & Trevon St., Eugene) 17-14-17-41-03100 (Walkway off of Sugarpine Circle, Eugene) and 17-04-17-41-04716 (Walkway Between Amirante & Cody St., Eugene) (Jeff Turk, Property Management Officer)

 View Material

G.        Public Safety


1)         ORDER 10-9-1-8/In the Matter of Transferring Position Number  22751, 1.0 FTE and Related and Budgeted Revenue and Appropriated Expenditures from Fund 552 Information Services/Regional Information Services to the Sheriff’s Office Fund 260. (Russ Burger, Sheriff) View Material


H.        Public Works


1)         ORDER 10-9-1-9 /In the Matter of Authorizing the Acceptance of a Relinquishment Deed From the State of Oregon in Connection with Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement No. 786 Concerning Jasper Road, (County Road No. 2273), Formerly Known as Oregon Highway 222. (Frank Simas, Right of Way Manager)

 View Material





6.         RESOLUTIONS


a.         RESOLUTION 10-9-1-10/In the Matter of Proclaiming September 2010 as National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month and September 9 as National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day. (Rob Rockstroh, Health and Human Services Director) (estimated 30 minutes) (10:00 A.M. TIME CERTAIN)

 View Material

 10:00 a.m. estimated time  




a.         DISCUSSION/Budget Direction and Financial Summit Direction. (Jeff Spartz, County Administrator; Christine Moody, Budget and Financial Planning Manager; Jennifer Inman, Sr. Management Analyst) (estimated 15 minute presentation, 45 minutes Q&A)

10:30 a.m. estimated time  View FY 10-11 Budget Solution Proposals



a.         PRESENTATION/Working for You Video – Lane County Budget: Balancing Resources and Services. ( Robert Lewis, Metro TV) (estimated 15 minutes)

11:30 p.m. estimated time  



11:45 p.m. estimated time  


10.       EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660

            (Commissioners' Conference Room)

11:55 p.m. estimated time  


Noon – 1:30 p.m. (recess)


1:30 p.m.                                ( Harris Hall Main Floor)



a.                   NINTH READING/PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. PA 1260/In the Matter of Amending the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) Consistent With Policy G.3 In Chapter III, Section G, Public Facilities and  Services Element; Amending Table 6, Table 18, Table 19, Map 3 and Map 8 of the Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP); and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (Metro Plan Amendment) (Applicant; Springfield) (NBA & PM 7/8/09 ;7/22/09, 8/5/09 ,8/26/09 , 10/20/09 , 11/4/09 , 2/3/10 & 8/18). (Stephanie Schulz, Associate Planner & Bill Morgan, County Engineer)


12.       PUBLIC WORKS


a.         STATUS REPORT/Work Group for Lane Code/Manual/Comp Plan Revisions. (Matt Laird, Land Management Manager) (estimated 15 minutes)

1:45 p.m. estimated time  


b.         FIRST READING AND SETTING THE SECOND READING/JOINT PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. PA 1273/In the Matter of Adopting an Updated Eugene Airport Master Plan as a Refinement Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses (File No. PA 10-5284) (City of Eugene) (Joint Public Hearing is 9/14, at the Eugene Chamber, 7:00 p.m.). (Stephanie Schulz, Associate Planner) (estimated 5 minutes) View Material

2:00 p.m. estimated time  




a.         DISCUSSION/Establishing a Special Lane County Tourism Grant Committee. (Commissioner Sorenson) (estimated 30 minutes)

2:05 p.m. estimated time  




a.         Announcements


b.         UPDATE/Ice Rink. (Jeff Spartz, County Administrator; David Suchart, Management Services Director) (estimated 5 minutes)

2:35 p.m. estimated time  


c.         UPDATE/Extension Building. (Jeff Spartz, County Administrator; David Suchart, Management Services Director) (estimated 10 minute presentation, 20 minutes Q&A)

 View Material

2:40 p.m. estimated time  



a.         Announcements

3:10 p.m. estimated time  



3:15 p.m. estimated time  


17.       EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660

            (Commissioners' Conference Room)

3:20 p.m. estimated time  




*NOTE:  Estimated Times



NOTE:            Next scheduled Board of Commissioners' Meeting Tuesday, September 14, 2010 and/or September 15, 2010.

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