Advisory Committee Vacancies


Advisory Committee Application Form

Equity Program Advisory Board Interest Form

Planning Commission Advisory Committee Application

Poverty and Homelessness Board Application

Statement of Economic Interest

Advisory Committee application forms and committee vacancy notices are also available in the Board of Commissioners office of the Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene.


DATE: December 12, 2024

CONTACT: Diana Alldredge, [email protected]

The Lane County Board of Commissioners, through the Human Services Division (HSD), is seeking applications from qualified individuals to serve on the Poverty and Homelessness Board.  There are a total of three (3) seats available at this time:  One (1) Rural Lane County Elected Official, one (1) Lived Experience, and one (1) Sector Representative.

POVERTY AND HOMELESSNESS BOARD: Serves in an advisory role to the Board of County Commissioners with the goal of reducing and preventing poverty and homelessness in Lane County. It serves as the administrative board for the Lane County Community Action Agency and as the oversight board for the Lane County Continuum of Care.

Poverty and Homelessness Board (PHB) member tasks include:

  1. Promote community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness and assisting individuals who are low-income to meet their basic needs and achieve self-sufficiency. Including:
    1. Working to reduce the number of households experiencing houselessness through holistic, data-driven, system changes and creating/strengthening programs with the regional houselessness crisis response system, including prevention assistance, street outreach, interim shelter, re-housing assistance, permanent supportive housing, and supportive housing.
    2. Supporting highly needed anti-poverty focused programs and collaborations that assist community members by addressing their social determinants of health.
    3. Develop a strategic PHB plan, including investments, strategies and performance measures; Include past system level investments and performance measures to identify strategies and program outcomes.
  2. Advocate within systems of care for needs that intersect with the houselessness system, including behavioral health (substance abuse and mental health supports), physical health, oral health, food security and criminal justice.
  3. Advocate for significantly more and diverse permanent housing options across Lane County.
  4. Increase access to and effective use of mainstream programs (e.g., ODHS programs, energy assistance, food assistance, school supports).
  5. Lift up the voices of people with lived expertise of houselessness and poverty.
  6. Participate in PHB committee and/or task groups.

MEETING SCHEDULE: The PHB meets the third Thursday of each month, noon to 1:30 p.m. The All-Member meetings are held in Harris Hall at the Lane County Public Service Building. Members attend one, 1.5 hour meeting every other month and participate in at least one workgroup, often 1 to 1.5 hour per month. One hour of preparation per meeting may be needed.

VACANCIES: There are a total of three (3) seats available at this time:  One (1) Rural Lane County Elected Official, one (1) lived experience, and one (1) Sector Representative.

TERM OF APPOINTMENT: PHB members shall serve for terms of up to three years. Elected representatives shall serve for a term of one-year, which terms shall begin within thirty days after the beginning of the calendar year. Members with lived experience of homelessness who are not otherwise paid to attend PHB meeting will receive a stipend for meeting participation.

MEMBERSHIP: Twenty-one (21).

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications will be open until 01/31/25 at 5:00pm.

People representing the diversity of our community are encouraged to apply, including people who live in rural Lane County. Accommodations can be made for people to attend this meeting by telephone or virtually if travel to Eugene is a barrier. Applications are available online here and in the Board of Commissioners' Office located on the 2nd floor of the Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene.

Members with lived experience of homelessness with are not otherwise paid to attend PHB meeting will receive a stipend for meeting participation.

CONTACT: Please reach out to Diana Alldredge if you have questions or need any accommodations. [email protected] or 541.682.4688 

Please use this e-form to apply: PHB Member Application

Paper applications are located in the Board of County Commissioner’s Office located at the Lane County Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue in Eugene.