Charter Review Committee

PUBLIC HEARING on Proposed Charter Amendments
Scheduled Wednesday, June 26th at 9am
View the meeting materials for the public hearing here.

To attend the Board of Commissioners meeting in person:
Board of Commissioner meetings begin at 9:00 a.m. in Harris Hall (Public Service Building, 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene) unless otherwise noted. Doors to Harris Hall open at 8:45 a.m. If you wish to participate in the public hearing in person, please make sure to sign up on the sign in sheet located by the entry door. Speakers will be taken in the order they sign up.

To register to speak virtually during scheduled public hearings:

To participate in the public hearing portion of the meeting as a virtual participant, please register online here. As a virtual participant, your phone and webcam will be automatically muted; however, the Board will be providing the opportunity for speakers during the public hearing portion of the meeting. During the public hearing portion of the meeting, participants will be asked to raise their “virtual” hand to be recognized to speak. When their name is called, their microphone will be unmuted, and they will be given a specified amount of time for their public comment. 

To submit written public comment:
Please send an email to [email protected]
by no later than noon, Monday, June 24th. In the email subject line please include: CHARTER REVIEW PUBLIC COMMENT FOR MEETING DATE 6/26/2024. These emails will be compiled and will be included on the Board Agenda with a “view material” link and also be included in the materials for the public hearing agenda item.

Lane County government operates under a home rule charter approved by voters in 1962. In 2010, Lane County voters approved an amendment to the Charter directing the Board of Commissioners to convene a Charter Review Committee (CRC) for the purpose of reviewing and recommending changes or updates to the existing charter every ten years. The CRC is comprised of seven members. Each Commissioner appoints one member to the CRC, and those appointees nominate additional individuals to fill two at large positions to be appointed by the Board.

The CRC completed their duties as outlined in the Lane County Charter when they presented their final report and recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on October 10, 2023. There are currently no regularly scheduled meetings for the CRC; however, should the need arise to reconvene the current CRC before their term ends on October 11, 2024, notice and details will be posted accordingly.

Would you like to be included in the interested parties list? Please sign up using the Charter Review Committee Updates form at the bottom of the page.
Staff Contact
Jenna Cusimano
Phone: (541) 682-3747
Email: [email protected]