About the Library

How can I contact you?

Phone: 541-682-4337
Email: lclawlib@lanecountyor.gov

Where are you located?

The Law Library is located in the basement of the Lane County Public Service Building at 125 East 8th Avenue. We are across the hall from Jury Assembly and the cafeteria. You do not need to go through court security to visit the Library.

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Hours and staffing

The Law Library is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Staff are typically unavailable over the 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. lunch hour, unless otherwise arranged in advance.

The Library may be unstaffed for appointments, meetings, and time off depending on availability of backup staff. Notice will be posted whenever possible, but patrons are encouraged to call in advance of their visit, in order to confirm staff availability.

What books are available at the library?

We have a library catalog with thousands of titles from a variety of legal publishers; the collection primarily focuses on Oregon resources. Staff will make every effort to guide patrons to the most appropriate and authoritative resources in order to conduct the most meaningful and targeted research. 

The collection includes:

*Practical Oregon materials from the Oregon State Bar, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, and continuing legal education program materials.

*Past and present Oregon laws and legislative history resources, and United State Code and Regulations.

*Secondary resources like treatises, legal dictionaries, form books, and legal encyclopedias.

*Self-help law books from Nolo and National Consumer Law Center (NCLC).

What resources are on your public computers?

The Law Library offers four (4) public computers with internet access. On one or more of these computers are icons for three legal databases to which the library subscribes:

*Westlaw - cases, statutes, Keyciting (case validation), and some secondary materials.

*HeinOnline - law review articles, federal legislative history, and historic legal materials.

*BarBooks - attorney practice guides and deskbooks published by the Oregon State Bar.

In addition, Microsoft Word is installed on public computers for drafting court documents.

Can I copy, print, fax, or use a telephone in your library?

Yes, all of the above. The Law Library provides a self-service copy machine that allows both printing from the public computers and basic copying. The current (FY19-20) fee is $.25/page (1-sided) and users must pay with cash.

With staff assistance, library patrons may send or receive a fax per established county rates, ranging from $1.00-$6.00 plus $.25-$5.00 per page (Lane Manual 60.865).

The Law Library has a public courtesy phone located near the front entrance which may be used to make and receive local calls.

What else can I do at the library?

The Law Library offers a private meeting room that seats up to 5, which may be reserved in advance by telephone or email.

In addition to three (3) public computers located in the designated computer lab, there is one Oregon eCourt Case Information (OECI) viewing-only (eg no printing) workstation. The Library also has a typewriter for public use.

Free wifi is available throughout the Public Service Building, including the Law Library, on the LC_Public_Wifi network.

The Library's extensive footprint provides many quiet areas to conduct legal research, draft and fill out pleadings, filings, and forms, and prepare for court.

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