Next Public Safety Funding Task Force Meeting:
Date: March 24, 2025, 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
In Person: Lane County Public Works
3040 North Delta Highway
Willamette Building (Goodpasture Conference Room)
Eugene, OR 97408
Or Virtually:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 228 917 021 498
Passcode: mQ7cU7H6
Or call in (audio only):
+1 945-468-5504
Phone conference ID: 824 912 963#
PUBLIC COMMENT will be conducted at the start of the meeting. If joining virtually, please join via link in the meeting agenda ten minutes before the meeting start time.
Devon Ashbridge, (541) 682-4526, [email protected]
Laura Holtgrieve, (541) 505-6920 [email protected]
The Public Safety Funding Taskforce is a limited duration assignment. The taskforce will explore possible long-term funding solutions for Lane County’s public safety system, and will create a report with recommendations for the County Administrator to present to the Board of County Commissioners.
Each Board of County Commissioner appointed one taskforce member (total of 5) and six members applied and were appointed for the taskforce by a select panel.
Matt Jones, Ph.D.
Voting Citizen Members
John Aarons
Bob Brew
Keith Cole
Tab Davis
Courtney Griesel
David Lewis
Tressa Miller
Betsy Schultz
Paul Solomon
Faye Stewart
Chris Wig
Non-Voting (Staff)
Devon Ashbridge, Public Information Officer
Tom Speldrich, Lieutenant
Judy Williams, Chief of Staff
Laura Holtgrieve, Executive Assistant
To watch the Board of County Commissioners discussion regarding the formation of the Public Safety Funding Task Force, click here.