Earthquake shaking can be light or severe and cause objects to fall off shelves, crack walls, break chimneys, collapse shelves, shift buildings off foundations and, damage roads and bridges. All of these things can cause injury and death for people.
What to do during an Earthquake:

• Drop, cover and hold on. Crouch in a safe place (under a sturdy table or sturdy interior wall).
• Cover your head until the earthquake stops.
• If you are inside: stay inside; if you are outside: stay outside.
• Move away from buildings, street lights, and utility wires.
• Crowded place: Take cover, do not rush for doorway.
• Tall buildings: Stay on your floor, do not use elevator.
• Driving: Pull over, but not under a bridge, overpass, or power lines. Stay in car.
• If you are near the ocean, move to higher ground quickly (follow tsunami evacuation routes).
• If you are in the mountains be alert for falling rocks, trees, or landslides.
After the Earthquake:
• Be prepared for aftershocks.
• Evacuate if you are in a Tsunami Hazard Zone.
• Check for injuries.
• Check for hazards such as fires, gas leaks, or downed utilities.
• Clean up any potentially harmful materials spills.
For more in depth information on what to do in an earthquake or tsunami check out the Living on Shaky Ground publication from Oregon Emergency Management.