Pipelines are the backbone of our nation's energy transportation infrastructure. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, pipelines are the safest mode of fuel transportation, both for the public and the environment.
Sign of a Pipeline Leak or Rupture

* Brown or discolored vegetation amid healthy plants
* Dirt being blown into the air
* Colorful sheens on water surfaces
* Fire at or below ground level
* Stains or pools of hydrocarbons not usually present in the right of way
* Bubbles coming from bodies of water
* A loud roar or hissing sound
* Distinctive petroleum type odors, the smell of mercaptan, sulfur (rotten eggs), or a mild fragrant odor
* A dense white cloud or fog
* Frozen ground near the pipeline
Locating Pipelines in Your Community
Pipeline markers are located along the right-of-way, at road intersections, waterways, railroad crossings and all above ground facilities. Markers identify the area, but not the exact location or depth of the pipeline. They specify the type of product transported, the operator's name and emergency contact number.
Maps of Pipelines in Your Community
The federal government provides access to maps of transmission pipelines through the National Pipeline Mapping System at www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov/PublicViewer.