About Us

About Lane County Developmental Disabilities Services

Lane County Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) is a Division of Lane County Department of Human Services. Lane County DDS contracts with the State of Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities to provide Case Management services to almost 3400 individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) in Lane County (as of December 2023 this included 1361 kids, and 2017 adults). These services are largely funded through Federal Medicaid Funding and include Case Management, and individually directed funded supports to meet the person’s disability related support needs.

Some of the services coordinated and provided by Lane County DDS include Intake and Eligibility; Case Management services; Foster Licensing; Protective Services and Abuse Investigations; Oregon Needs Assessments; and Administrative Support.

Intake and Eligibility is the entry point into Lane County DD Services. Please see the Intake and Eligibility (Admisión y Elegibilidad) page for more information including application materials.

Case Management units include Children (birth through 18), Adult in-home (adults living in their own home or a family home), Adult comprehensive (adults living in a small care home). Case management is provided by services coordinators who work with enrolled individuals. Supports include information about available supports, authorizing Medicaid funding for services, crisis support and more. For more information see the Case Management page.

Foster Licensing recruits, trains, inspects and has a key role in the certification and licensing of foster homes for both children and adults. For more information about Foster supports including information about how to become a foster provider see the Foster Care pages.

Protective Services and Abuse Investigations take reports of concern about enrolled individuals and assesses each report for individual safety and the potential for abuse or neglect. They make recommendations to increase safety in almost all incidents and conduct formal investigations when warranted.

The Oregon Needs Assessment is conducted by trained members of Lane County DDS staff. This assessment is reviewed at least once a year and is the tool used to identify needs, risks and level of care. For more information click this link to the Oregon Needs Assessment (ONA) web page.

Our Administrative Staff are involved in all of these areas, in addition they provide critical supports to Personal Support Workers including initial registration, and time card entry. For information about how to become a Personal Support Worker visit the Personal Support Worker page.

History of Lane County DDS

Come back soon to learn more about the history of Lane County Developmental Disability Services. 

Lane County DDS Strategic Plan

The Lane County Developmental Disabilities Services Division Strategic Plan is closely connected with both the Lane County Health & Human Services Strategic Plan and the Lane County Strategic Plan. We identify our priorities and work areas through an inclusive process to guide us in making improvements in both our service delivery to individuals and families, and our development and cultivation of staff. We track our progress on goals and strive to identify quantifiable tasks and efforts to improve lives and meet the necessary requirements and regulations of our services. Our Strategic Plan is updated approximately every two years through division-wide input, as well as guidance from individuals with lived experience and our community partners.
LCDDS Strategic Plan 2022-2023

Lane County DDS Equity Plan

Our commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is woven into every aspect of our work. In 2023, we created our first Service Equity Plan. This plan is shared with the Oregon Department of Disabilities Services and it is connected with our DDS Strategic Plan. We have identified key goals to improve equity in our service delivery, and to guide our efforts over the next two years. With clear accountability and focused effort, we are making measurable improvements to areas like training, accessibility, strengthening feedback opportunities, and community outreach. We will be updating our Service Equity Plan regularly to reflect the evolution of our work to improve services. 

Lane County DDS Service Equity Plan 2023 - 2025

Lane County DDS commitment to Trauma Informed Care

Lane County DDS is committed to providing Trauma Informed Care. Trauma Informed Care (TIC) is an approach, based on knowledge of the impact of trauma, aimed at ensuring environments and services are welcoming and engaging for service recipients and staff. As an organization, we recognize that many of the people we serve have experienced trauma, either currently, recently or in their past. Our agency is dedicated to incorporating an understanding of trauma, both with our clients and with each other, by being person-centered and client-focused.


All staff at Lane DDS complete a Trauma Informed Care 101 course with trainers trained by Trauma informed Oregon www.traumainformedoregon.org

We practice the 4 R’s of TIC:
Realize the impact of trauma and paths for recovery;
Recognize the signs and symptoms of trauma in clients, families, staff, providers; 
Respond by integrating knowledge of policies into policies, procedures, and practices; and seeks to actively
Resist re-traumatization. 

Lane County DDS Advisory Committee Information

The Lane County DDS Advisory Committee is a sub-committee of the Health and Human Services Mental Health Advisory Board. As a dedicated committee of leaders including individuals in services, provider partners, self-advocates, and other key people, this advisory committee provides important guidance, policy advocacy, and support for improving lives. This Advisory Committee helps to identify key areas for focus and improvement, as well as connecting and advocating with communities and with our service partners at the state level. This committee meets regularly throughout the year, as well as having a liaison with the Mental Health Advisory Board.

If you are interested in joining the DDS Advisory Committee, please contact Kori Rodley (she, her) at [email protected] 

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