Behavioral Health

Lane County Referral Pathways & Crisis Lines

Behavioral Health Resource Networks (BHRNs) are available to help with substance use peer services and entry to treatment and other supports.

  • ·       Statewide BHRN Telephone Resource Line: #541-575-3769
  • ·       BHRN LC: # 800-422-2595
  •  ·       Emerald Valley BHRN: # 451-799-6336
  •  ·       Community Plaza BHRN: # 541-687-2667 (Spanish language)

BHRN Service Grids.docx

Lane County Youth Mental Health Referral Pathway
Lane County Adult Mental Health Referral Pathway
Lane County Alcohol & Drug Referral Pathway

Measure 110, Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act, this means that people found in possession of drugs can have the violation fee waived by agreeing have an assessment and referral to treat addiction by calling this 24/7 number: (800) 923-4357.  Read more the fact sheet here
- For community: Know Your Rights brochure

If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis and/or need some additional support please call:
Never Use Alone (800) 484-3731. No judgement, No shaming, No preaching, Just love. 
Racial Equity Support
(503) 575-3764. Staffed by BIPOC counselors M-F from 8:30AM - 5:00PM. 
CAHOOTS: 541-682-5111
NAMI Help Line: 1-800-950-6264
SAMHSA's National Helpline: 1-800-662-4357
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Institute on Aging's Friendship Line: 1-800-971-0016
Trevor's Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386
Trans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
Child Crisis Response Team: 1-888-989-9990
Non-Emergency police line:
541-682-5111 (Eugene)
541-726-3714 (Springfield)
Lane County Sheriff:
Oregon Psychiatric Access Line about Kids: 1-855-966-7255
Oregon YouthLine:

Text: teen2teen to 839 863
Call: 877-968-8491
Western Lane Fire & EMS Authority Mobile Crisis 24/7 Response Unit
Call: (541) 997-3515* mainly dispatched through 911.
Service to the community of Florence and Western Lane County. Offering support to people in crisis, including sudden death, loss of home due to fire, depression, suicidal ideation/threat, chronic mental illness, homelessness and monthly survivors of suicide support group.

Culturally Specific & Ethnic Resources

The National CLAS Standards are a set of 15 action steps intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health care disparities by providing a blueprint for individuals and health and health care organizations to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate services.

Check out Oregon Health Authority's web page on evidence-based treatment and prevention practices are those that research has proved effective. Includes practices for tribal programs, Black, Latinx, and Native American populations. 

PennMedicine News writes on "Follow-up Treatments After Opioid Overdose Rare Among Insured Patients" Black patients were also less likely to receive treatments after ER visit for opioid use.

Study finds large racial/ethnic differences in use of medication for OUD during pregnancy.

Mental Health Treatment & Recovery Models

PRIME Peer Program through HIV Alliance is a response to substance overdose in Lane County. Peers will help you with getting basic needs met and provide resources to treatment when you want it. 
Community brochure - or - Program description

Stop Stigma NOW is a nonprofit organization with a mission to provide the resources and education to the public in an effort to reduce the stigma associated with people who are suffering from mental health and substance use conditions.

Recovery from Substance Use

Lane County Area Narcotics Anonymous information 

Visit Oregon Recovers Recovery Network for state-wide information on peer services, recovery meetings, and treatment.

Al-anon Electronic meetings for anyone affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend.

Allies in Recovery Online support for families dealing with a loved one’s addiction, using the evidence-based CRAFT method.

Learn 2 Cope, a non-profit support network that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for parents and family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs. Facebook page had updates on meetings.

Smart Recovery Family, a community peer based group that uses Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) as the foundation for their handbook and has a robust online community through SMART Recovery Online with 40+ weekly online meetings and 24/7 message boards.

Addiction.The Next Step, Is someone you care about struggling with substance use? This Crisis Toolkit is here to help. Journey at your own pace through videos, tips, and other tools designed to help you and your loved one.

The Partnership on Addiction, a free phone-based parent coaching program and support for parents.

Helping Families Help - Formerly SoberFamilies, has CRAFT Resources for families dealing with addiction. Explore books, workbooks, community support groups, and videos that teach the CRAFT method.

#WhyIHaveHope, Hear from those who effect the most change in the lives of people struggling with substances: their families and loved ones. A video series.

Community Treatment Models
Assertive Community Treatment, also known as intensive case management, is team-based and specifically provides treatment for individuals with SPMI.
A member's teams may include a psychiatrist/psychiatric nurse practitioner, a nurse, team leader, mental health counselors, and substance abuse counselors. These teams address behavioral health concerns while assisting with life skills and community supports, including employment and housing.
- Laurel Hill Center
- South Lane Mental Health

Supported Housing - housing that includes case management and other community-based mental health services.
- St. Vincent de Paul: First Place Family & Veteran programs
- Homes for Good
- Looking Glass, New Roads Program for homeless youth up to age 21.
- ShelterCare 
- Sponsors, reentry services for adults returning to Lane County from jail or prison.
- WomenSpace, short-term emergency shelter and supports.
- Lane County Human Services Division, coordinated entry to programs funded through HUD.

Supported Employment
Learn about Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, WIOA is designed to help job seekers succeed in the labor market by providing them with access to employment, education, training, and support services and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.  
Agencies with supportive employment programs:
- Lane Workforce Partnership 
- Sponsors 
- Laurel Hill

Peer Support Models
Peer Support Specialists and Peer Wellness Specialists provide hope for individuals, families and communities with behavioral health conditions through outreach, community building, system navigation, and recovery and resilience promotion. Visit OHA's Peer Delivered Services web page. 

CAHOOTS De-Escalation Model, de-escalation training is $35 per person and provides an overview of assessment and intervention skills so that a lay-person can maintain personal safety and recognize when someone might need help.

Motivational Interviewing for Brief Intervention Settings
, an OHA guide with role play.

Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers

Treatment Models
Mental Health America's worksheet on "Your Mind and Your Body: Talking to Your Doctor About Mental Health". Half of all adults will struggle with a mental health problem in their lifetime. Prioritizing your brain health is as important as prioritizing your body health. The worksheet will help you get started. 

Read this study about pregnant women with OUD referred by criminal justice agencies receiving evidence-based treatment at lower rates than women referred through other sources.

Evidence-based practice should guide the treatment of addiction, yet clinical trials designed to gather that evidence often take years to complete. Then, once those findings are published, how quickly and easily are they applied to real-world practice? Learn about the innovative new movement that’s changing the face of addiction care. "Forging a new era
in addiction care, closing the research-to-practice gap"

OHA's Recovery Report website - the Recovery Report is a monthly email communication to help the state's behavioral health stakeholders stay up-to-date on news from the Oregon Health Authority.

SAMHSA Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders Guide - an evidence-based resource guide series.

OHA's "Facilitating MAT in Residential Treatment" - read about high risk overdose intervention strategies, staff resistance and mistaken beliefs, and a best and promising practice checklist. 

SAMHSA's Working Definition of Recovery: 10 Guiding Principles

Healthy Social Activities

Trauma Healing Project Offerings: 
The Trauma Healing Project is offering virtual groups and classes to help keep you safe during this challenging time. 

Sober Social Activities:
Get Outdoors.
There are well-documented studies that have demonstrated the restorative benefits of spending time outdoors, interacting with nature. 
- The City of Eugene's Park and Trails web page. 
- AllTrails is a website where you can search trails by your location, save trails for the future, and interact with others who have hiked that trail. Click here to get started with a Lane County list. 
Physically Engage.
Studies have shown that aerobic exercise helps repair the damage in the white matter of the brain, usually damaged by alcohol and drug use.
- Have OHP? Your insurance may cover gym memberships. Anyone can call their plan or ask their physician about options for low-cost gym memberships. 
- Exercising can be a social event too. There are clubs and groups for many physical activities like biking, running, boot camps, and more. Facebook is a good resource to find groups and clubs near you. 
- Check out the Eugene YMCA YouTube Channel for fitness videos. 
Take a Class. 
- Many residential districts have a recreational center that offers low-cost classes for residents like the River Road Parks and Recreation District, keep in mind you can join classes at any center.
- Learn a new language with free applications and websites like Duolingo
Relive your Childhood.
Think about the things you enjoyed doing when you were a child. Need some help? Here are some local ideas.
- Miniature golf
- Finger painting
- Water balloon games
- Paintball
- Trampoline park, Defy (Eugene), and Club Air
- Bowling, Round 1 (Valley River Center), Emerald Lanes
- Try Escape the Room Oregon (Springfield) with friends.
Virtual Concerts are a new way to attend jamming concerts. Pickathon is holding daily virtual concerts to support struggling artist. Relix is also a place to find podcast, live streams, and playlists.

Oregon Recovers Community Organizing

Want to get involved in making a change in policy and treatment for the recovery community? Join the Oregon Recovers community engaging efforts.
- Review the Statewide Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission Strategic Plan to get an idea of what the goals are.  
- Visit the Oregon Recovers website for a Community Organizing Toolkit and more information on how to get involved.

Voluntary Consent, Harm Reduction & Screenings

Lane County Voluntary Consent Form - this form is intended for community members who would like to disclose to law enforcement about an illness or condition that may cause impairment when law enforcement is responding to an emergency service. 

The Oregon Health Authority, along with partners, has launched the Oregon Harm Reduction Supply Clearinghouse, to provide no-cost harm reduction supplies and technical assistance to Syringe Service Programs, Peer Recovery Community Organizations and others providing direct services to people with lived experience of substance use and people at risk of overdose — giving people the tools to protect their health and safety.

Click here for Oregon Health Authority's "Reducing Opioid Overdose and Misuse" webpage with resources for pain management and opiate use disorder. 

Needle Exchange Program is changing locations starting October 7th to be located at the White Bird Clinic at 1400 Mill Street, Eugene.

The Fight Against Stigma - a prevention strategy.
Read this article on "COVID-19 Pandemic Shines Light On Harmful Stigmas Surrounding Drug Addiction And The Way Forward"

Naloxone/Narcan Resource - overdose reversal drug available to the public through HIV Alliance. 

Addressing the Intersection of Substance Use and Suicide: Strategies for Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment - webinar slides 

LivingWorks is an organization that offers evidence-based prevention training, such as ASIST and safeTALK, designed for the agency's needs.  

Mental Health First Aid is a national non-profit health promotion charity and teaches how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. There are population-focused training models available including older adults. Virtual classes coming soon.

Collaborative Assessment & Management of Suicidality (CAMS) - a therapeutic framework for suicide-specific assessment and treatment of a patient’s suicidal risk.

Oregon Health Authority's website on Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), an evidence-based, effective method to treat alcohol and drug misuse.

Oregon Health Authority's website on "Approved Evidence Based Practices" for Addictions and Mental Health disciplines.  Includes downloadable information on mental health, co-occurring disorders, substance abuse, and prevention evidence-based practices. 

Question, Persuade, and Refer (QPR) - Suicide Training. Lane County frequently holds free of charge training for the community. Contact Roger Brubaker at (541) 682-8731 to find out when the next training is. You can also take an online course immediately from the QPR Institute for $29.95.
Download the Columbia Community Suicide Screening Tool for Clinicians

Screening tools: 
Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Take a mental health test.

Visit the National Institute on Drug Abuse "Screening and Assessment Tools Chart" for evidence-based screening tools and assessment resource materials.

        ~~~ Download a 1-page list of the below tools here. ~~~
Substance Use Screening Tools:
National Institute of Drug Use Quick Screen
• Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT)
• CAGE Substance Use Screening Tool (web based)
   CAGE Print Version
Cognitive Screening Tools:
 Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) - Description
   SLUMS Print Version
• Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) - Description
  MoCA Self-Assessment (interactive)
  MoCA Print Version
Anxiety Screening Tools:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist - Description
  PTSD Civilian Version
• Primary Care PTSD Screen - Description and Information 
   Print version 5-item Screen  
• General Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) web-based interactive
   Print version GAD-7 Form
• Life Events Checklist - Description and Information
  Standard Self-Report
  Extended Self-Report
  Interview Version with Abuse Ratings
Depression Screening Tools:
Social Connectedness Scale 
Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item- Description
  PHQ-9 Self-Assessment (web based)
  PHQ-9 Print Form

Training, Webinars, & Support Groups

Trauma Healing Project offers trainings to the community and providers. Click here to learn more. 

NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, has developed several free webinars (CEUs available for a fee) to help provide telehealth, understand the impact of disaster on recovery, and administer psychological first aid during these difficult times.

College Education Programs: produces resources and tools related to higher education with an eye on affordability and accreditation. Helping students and prospective students make the right choices for their unique situations.

Telehealth Platform Tutorials & Information

Video Tutorials
Zoom, use the video below to learn the basics (fast forward to 1:13 to skip the introduction and get to the tutorial).

Skype, Prepare and Join Skype Meetings

GoToMeeting, an Attendee Quick Start Guide is below.

Webex, How to Join a Webex Meeting


Coping with Stress

The Oregon Health Authority recommends:
Make a list of the top three things that you want  to get done each day. 
Find time to practice deep breathing. 
Make a list of things that you feel grateful for. 
Decide to do something physical. Even a short walk around the block or doing some stretches can be helpful. 
Help others while you help yourself: check in with friends and neighbors to offer support, especially to those who might be struggling more during this time. 
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has more information on Coping with Stress during Infectious Disease Outbreaks.
The executive summary below was developed by the Chronic Behavioral Health Conditions task team and includes major conclusions and stress and loss point brought on by COVID for this population.
Read the Executive Summary here.
thank you hearts

Thank you to all who have contributed their passion, expertise, and time to developing this toolkit for the community.

• AimieLisa Hook, NAMI
• Amanda McCluskey, HIV Alliance
• Bob Johnson, Orchid Clinic
• Britni D’Eliso, PacificSource Community Solutions
• Dane Zahner, HIV Alliance
• Danielle Bautista, Lane County Community Health Centers
• Elisabeth Maxwell, Lane County Public Health
• Jamie Lloyd, Orchid Health Clinic
• Kendra Wright, Lane County Behavioral Health
• Laural O’Rourke, Lane County Human Services
• Leilani Brewer, LaneCare
• Lucy Zammarelli, LaneCare
• Roger Brubaker, Lane County Public Health
• Rose Symotiuk, Ideal Option (Medication Assisted Treatment)
• Shawn Murphy, Laurel Hill Center

If you have suggestions or questions about this page please feel free to contact Lucy Zammarelli at 541-520-4702 or via email at [email protected]