PRIME Peer Program through HIV Alliance is a response to substance overdose in Lane County. Peers will help you with getting basic needs met and provide resources to treatment when you want it.
Community brochure - or -
Program description
Stop Stigma NOW is a nonprofit organization with a mission to provide the resources and education to the public in an effort to reduce the stigma associated with people who are suffering from mental health and substance use conditions.
Recovery from Substance Use
Lane County Area Narcotics Anonymous information
Oregon Recovers Recovery Network for state-wide information on peer services, recovery meetings, and treatment.
Al-anon Electronic meetings for anyone affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend.
Allies in Recovery Online support for families dealing with a loved one’s addiction, using the evidence-based CRAFT method.
Learn 2 Cope, a non-profit support network that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for parents and family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs.
Facebook page had updates on meetings.
Smart Recovery Family, a community peer based group that uses
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) as the foundation for their handbook and has a robust online community through SMART Recovery Online with 40+ weekly online meetings and 24/7 message boards.
Addiction.The Next Step, Is someone you care about struggling with substance use? This Crisis Toolkit is here to help. Journey at your own pace through videos, tips, and other tools designed to help you and your loved one.
The Partnership on Addiction, a free phone-based parent coaching program and support for parents.
Helping Families Help - Formerly SoberFamilies, has CRAFT Resources for families dealing with addiction. Explore books, workbooks, community support groups, and videos that teach the CRAFT method.
#WhyIHaveHope, Hear from those who effect the most change in the lives of people struggling with substances: their families and loved ones. A video series.
Community Treatment Models
Assertive Community Treatment, also known as intensive case management, is team-based and specifically provides treatment for individuals with SPMI.
A member's teams may include a psychiatrist/psychiatric nurse practitioner, a nurse, team leader, mental health counselors, and substance abuse counselors. These teams address behavioral health concerns while assisting with life skills and community supports, including employment and housing.
Laurel Hill Center
South Lane Mental Health
Supported Housing - housing that includes case management and other community-based mental health services.
- St. Vincent de Paul:
First Place Family &
Veteran programs
Homes for Good
Looking Glass, New Roads Program for homeless youth up to age 21.
Sponsors, reentry services for adults returning to Lane County from jail or prison.
WomenSpace, short-term emergency shelter and supports.
Lane County Human Services Division, coordinated entry to programs funded through HUD.
Supported Employment
Learn about
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, WIOA is designed to help job seekers succeed in the labor market by providing them with access to employment, education, training, and support services and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
Agencies with supportive employment programs:
Lane Workforce Partnership
Laurel Hill
Peer Support Models
Peer Support Specialists and Peer Wellness Specialists provide hope for individuals, families and communities with behavioral health conditions through outreach, community building, system navigation, and recovery and resilience promotion.
Visit OHA's Peer Delivered Services web page.
CAHOOTS De-Escalation Model, de-escalation training is $35 per person and provides an overview of assessment and intervention skills so that a lay-person can maintain personal safety and recognize when someone might need help.
Motivational Interviewing for Brief
Intervention Settings, an OHA guide with role play.
Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers
Treatment Models
Mental Health America's worksheet on
"Your Mind and Your Body: Talking to Your Doctor About Mental Health". Half of all adults will struggle with a mental health problem in their lifetime. Prioritizing your brain health is as important as prioritizing your body health. The worksheet will help you get started.
Read this study about pregnant women with OUD referred by criminal justice agencies receiving evidence-based treatment at lower rates than women referred through other sources.
Evidence-based practice should guide the treatment of addiction, yet clinical trials designed to gather that evidence often take years to complete. Then, once those findings are published, how quickly and easily are they applied to real-world practice? Learn about the innovative new movement that’s changing the face of addiction care.
"Forging a new era
in addiction care, closing the research-to-practice gap"
OHA's Recovery Report website - the Recovery Report is a monthly email communication to help the state's behavioral health stakeholders stay up-to-date on news from the Oregon Health Authority.
SAMHSA Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorders Guide - an evidence-based resource guide series.
"Facilitating MAT in Residential Treatment" - read about high risk overdose intervention strategies, staff resistance and mistaken beliefs, and a best and promising practice checklist.
SAMHSA's Working Definition of Recovery: 10 Guiding Principles