Community Faith Based

faith word art
LaneCare does not sponsor or endorse any particular model or type of spirituality group.

Group Facilitation and Mentoring Resources

Addiction & Recovery:
Oregon Recovers: Recovery Network, for information on state-wide recovery resources (meetings, treatment, detox, and more)

Renew Everyday, is an online resource that lists 12-step alternative meetings.
Celebrate Recovery, is a Christ-centered 12 step program. 

Smart Recovery Training Facilitators has on online platform to train facilitators. Watch the YouTube below for a short intro.

Faith-based Initiatives & Programs
EMO, Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon is a state-wide community of Denominations/Religions, Interfaith Partners, Congregations, Non-Profit & Governmental, and others. If interested in joining, here is information on the Congregational Wellness Project.

Faith-Based Intergenerational Health and Wellness Program, read about a study about an intergenerational,
faith-based health and wellness program for kinship caregivers and their families that may be replicated.

The P.R.A.Y Program is an age-based program (grades K-12) developed for the Protestant denomination or Independent Christian/Non-denominational congregation that helps youth strengthen their faith and service in God. Parent mentorship programs (alongside child program) are available.

Youth.Gov, Faith-Based Think, Act, Grow (TAG) Resources contains mentoring guides (adolescents & adults), peer resources,  information on healthy habits, facilitation training, and service opportunities. 

Rural Health Information Hub has some promising examples of rural projects related to faith, nutrition, and activity.

Community Commons is a resource hub and has several faith-based resources, tools, podcasts and publications.

Stakeholder Health, Faith Domain as Social Immune System: Recommendations for Response and Recovery

Selected faith-based resources included here focus on connecting LGBTQ youth and families with affirming faith communities, resources, religious and spiritual leaders and places of worship. Link:

Mental Health Toolkit for Oregon Faith Leaders

Volunteer opportunity: Oregon Department of Corrections has volunteer opportunities for facilitating faith-based meetings and events.

Basic Needs & Service Information

Emergency Shelter and Warming Centers:
All information regarding Egan Warming Shelters has been consolidated to one page on St Vincent Du Paul's website. Do not use as it was deleted. Use the above link to learn when Warming Centers are activated, how to volunteer, and how to donate, all on one page: 

Lines for Life launches new Crisis Line for Racial Equity Support (503) 575-3764. Staffed by BIPOC counselors M-F from 8:30AM - 5:00PM. 

Lane County Community Referral Pathways:
Lane County Youth Mental Health Referral Pathway
Lane County Adult Mental Health Referral Pathway
Lane County Alcohol & Drug Referral Pathway

Housing - Coordinated Entry
Coordinated Entry is a resource from Lane County Human Services Division that is useful for those already unhoused or facing housing insecurity. 

City of Eugene, Social Services List
La Guía Bilingüe de Servicios Sociales del Condado de Lane

Domestic Violence
The Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence convenes a resource sharing group for faith leaders and faith-involved advocates. This conversation aims to break isolation, foster connections, and support faith-based leaders and advocates in doing meaningful work to respond to survivors, as well as to address and prevent domestic and sexual violence within our communities across Oregon.

Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Coordinated Care Information

If you have OHP use the information below to contact the behavioral health case managers who can help you get the care you need and connect you to resources.
PacificSource Community Solutions
Phone: (541) 330-2507
Toll-free: (888) 970-2507
TTY: 711
Individualized Care Management flyer

Trillium Community Health Plan
Phone: (541) 485-2155 *ask to speak with behavioral health
Tool-free: (877) 600-5472
TTY: (877) 600-5473

Mental Health, Substance Use & Wellness Resources

NACCP has created a google spreadsheet for mental health service providers in Lane County that either identify as part of the BIPOC community or who have an ethno-cultural background. This list includes several identified faith-based therapist (like the listing below).  
The iFinish Strong Enrichment Center is organized to be a mind, body, soul support for families in need of mentorship, counseling, and spiritual guidance.
- counseling and consulting services for teens, adults, couple, family, group counseling
- life coaching, organizational training
- integrative nutrition, massage therapy
- women's groups
- EDMR sessions

REBOOT Recovery (Lead or join a course):
REBOOT Recovery is a 12-week course that helps people heal from trauma. REBOOT courses are faith-based and led by everyday people, just like you, who have a passion to help our nation's military and first responders. They partner with individuals, churches, nonprofits, government facilities and clinicians to bring our trauma healing courses to the communities that need it the most. 

Wellness Support:
Download the LaneCare Self-Care Quick Guide

Trauma Healing Project developed a Coping Inventory tool that can be used to identify behaviors people use when they are under distress.

Caregivers may often lose sight of their own self-care and needs. This Caregiver Self-Assessment questionnaire was developed by the American Medical Association.

Columbia Suicide Quick Screening with hotline for positive cases. Here is a Lane County List of helpful mental health resources.
Mental Wellness Tips for Socially Isolated Adults

The EmPOWERED and Well Virtual Faith Community is designed to support the mental, physical and spiritual health and well-being of faith communities everywhere.
 FAQs for Faith-based and Community Leaders

NAMI FaithNet is an interfaith resource network of NAMI members, friends, clergy and congregations of all faith traditions who wish to encourage faith communities who are welcoming and supportive of persons and families living with mental illness.

Recovery from Substance Use
Lane County Area Narcotics Anonymous information 

Visit Oregon Recovers Recovery Network for state-wide information on peer services, recovery meetings, and treatment. 

Al-anon Electronic meetings for anyone affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend.

Allies in Recovery Online support for families dealing with a loved one’s addiction, using the evidence-based CRAFT method (Community Reinforcement and Family Training).

Learn to Cope, a non-profit support network that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for parents and family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs. 

Smart Recovery Family, a community peer based group that uses Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) as the foundation for their handbook and has a robust online community through SMART Recovery Online with 40+ weekly online meetings and 24/7 message boards.

This toolkit was developed with the guidance of interfaith leaders and community interfaith stakeholders. The executive summary below includes major conclusions and stress and loss points for members and leaders of faith-based organizations and institutions.
Community Faith Based Executive Summarythank you pic

Thank you to the following people who dedicated their time and expertise in developing this toolkit for our community:

Britni D’Eliso, PacificSource Community Solutions
Cynthia Fisher, LaneCare
Demond Hawkins, Trillium Community Health Plan 
Jennifer Jensen, PeaceHealth Barger Clinic,  
Jamie Lloyd, Orchid Health Clinic
Leilani Brewer, LaneCare
Lucy Zammarelli, LaneCare
Micah Brown, Lane County Quality & Compliance
•      Oriana Hurwit, Jewish Federation of Lane County 

If you have any suggestions or questions about this page, please feel free to contact Lucy Zammarelli at (541) 520-4720 or at [email protected]