Lane County Pain Guidance & Safety Alliance (LC-PGSA)
The purpose of the LC-PGSA is to reduce the impact of opiate abuse and dependence on our community.
The goals of the LC-PGSA are to:
1. Develop a community network that contributes to the coordination of care for patients with chronic pain and opiate use.
2. Promote prescriber enrollment and adoption of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) and State opioid prescribing guidelines.
3. Provide local education opportunities on opiate issues for medical and behavioral health providers, oral health professionals, pharmacists, and others.
4. Promote increased access to Naloxone in Lane County to prevent opioid overdose deaths.
5. Increase number of prescribers with DEA waiver for Suboxone.
6. Increase number PCPMH’s and BH providers with specialty chronic pain programs.
7. Increase access to medication assisted therapies (MAT).
8. Increase safe storage and disposal of prescribed medications.
Contact Information:
Lucy Zammarelli, MA, CADCIII - [email protected]
Elizabeth Maxwell, MS, PhD - Elisabeth.Maxwell@lanecountyor.gov