Environmental Health

Lane County
Health & Human Services

151 W. 7th Ave., Room 430
Eugene, Oregon 97401


(541) 682-4051
(Se habla Español);
TTY# 541-682-4345

Erik Nebeker

Environmental Health Supervisor
(541) 682-7276

Annette Brinton-Krecklow
Licensing Clerk 
(541) 682-3731

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Drinking Water Program
(541) 682-4480

Lobby Hours:        
9am - 4:30pm

General Information

Environmental Health functions as a section within Public Health. Environmental Health programs & services assure countywide control of health hazards through licensing and inspections of restaurants and other licensed facilities.


Environmental Health Benefits
Environmental Health programs & services benefit the entire community, including: county residents, tourists, visitors, and businesses. Anyone who eats food prepared in a restaurant, temporary food booth, or institutional setting (such as a commissary or cafeteria), or swims in a pool, benefits from the inspection process. Tourists can more safely enjoy the many outdoor festivals, restaurants, and travel accommodations in Lane County. Businesses also benefit from having a safe community that attracts visitors and encourages residents to use their services.

Environmental Health Programs & Services
Environmental Health is responsible for administering the following programs & services to Lane County residents:

Licensing and Inspections

Inspections of Unlicensed Facilities


Drinking Water Program

Domestic Well Program

LCPH services are available regardless of age, race, color, sex, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, and marital status. LCPH facilities are wheelchair accessible. LCPH materials are available upon request in alternative formats such as: large print, Braille and other languages.