Drinking Water

Lane County

Drinking Water Program

151 W 7th Ave Suite 430

Eugene, OR 97401

[email protected]

Drinking Water Program


Protecting Lane County's water resources is a top priority for the Health Department's Environmental Health Program. We work hard to protect groundwater (wells and springs) that is the source of many people's drinking water.

Public Water System types and basic requirements for operation

"Community Water System" means a public water system that has 15 or more service connections used by year-round residents, or that regularly serves 25 or more year-round residents.( Examples: subdivision, mobile home park).  Monthly coliform sampling, initial sampling of arsenic, nitrates, nitrite, lead and copper, IOC (inorganics), SOC (synthetic organics), VOC (volatile organics), and radiological. Additional sampling is required if treatment is being utilized such as chlorine or corrosion control. Reductions granted depending upon test results for sampling. A DRC/certified operator is required**

"Non-Transient Non-Community Water System (NTNC)" means a public water system that is not a Community Water System and that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year. (Examples: School, medical facility) Quarterly sampling for coliform, initial sampling of arsenic, nitrates, nitrites, lead and copper, IOC, SOC, and VOC.  Additional sampling is required if treatment is being utilized such as chlorine or corrosion control. Reductions granted depending upon test results for sampling. A DRC/certified operator is required**

"Transient Non-Community Water System (TNC)" means a public water system that serves a transient population of 25 or more persons. (Examples: motel, restaurants).  Quarterly coliform sampling, annual nitrate, and one time initial arsenic.

"State Regulated Water System" means a public water system, which serves 4 to 14 service connections or serves 10 to 24 people. Monitoring requirements for these systems are the same as those for Transient Non-Community water systems.


** “Direct Responsible Charge (DRC)” means an individual designated by the owner or authorized agent to make decisions regarding the daily operational activities of a public water system, water treatment facility and/or distribution system, that will directly impact the quality or quantity of drinking water.

Community and Non-Transient Non-Community water systems must at all times employ, contract with or otherwise utilize an operator designated to supervise the water system, to be in direct responsible charge of the water system, and to be available during those periods of time when treatment processes and operations decision that affect public health are made.

New Water System Operators

If you are a new water system operator please give us a call or send us an e-mail so we can update our records.  Below is the link to the State Drinking Water Services page that talks about the requirements for operating a small water system.  http://public.health.oregon.gov/HealthyEnvironments/DrinkingWater/OperatorCertification/SmallWaterSystems/Pages/index.aspx

Emergency Preparedness Information for Environmental Health

Food Safety:

Licensed Facilities

How can I operate during a power outage, flood, or boil water notice?

Follow these fact sheets for information on how to operate during emergencies and contact Lane County Environmental Health to verify you can operate under these conditions safely.


Water Safety:

Preparing for water outages

The Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends that each household store a three-day supply of water (one gallon of water per person and pet, per day) for drinking and sanitation. See FEMA's basic disaster supply kit checklist.


EWEB Water Reliability: http://www.eweb.org/waterreliability

EWEB Energy Outages and Safety: http://www.eweb.org/safety

SUB Boil Water Information: http://www.subutil.com/water/water-quality/about-water-boil-notices/

Great Oregon Shakeout: http://shakeout.org/oregon/

Red Cross: http://www.redcross.org/local/oregon