January 7, 2025:
Oregon Statewide Wildfire Hazard Maps became final January 7, 2025. The final Oregon Statewide Wildfire Hazard and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Maps can now be viewed on the
Oregon Explorer. The maps will be updated every five years or as future policy requires.
May 1, 2024:
On April 2nd, the Board of County Commissioners adopted the new erosion prevention code for the County MS4 Area. The new requirements took effect on May 1, 2024. Please see the
Erosion Prevention webpage for more information!
August 29, 2023:
On August 29, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners passed
Ordinance 23-05 to allow ADUs on Rural Residential zoned properties in the rural areas of Lane County. Staff is currently working to create an application form and other materials to assist customers in applying for an ADU. Additional information can be found here.