Right-of-Way Permits

All persons performing work or placing temporary or permanent facilities within a County Road right-of-way must apply for and receive a facility permit prior to commencement of any activity described in Lane Code Chapter 15. Public Works is responsible for permitting and inspecting activities and facilities in the County right-of-way. For placement of facilities, development within the right-of-way of a County Road, alteration of such facilities and development, and other activities that may create hazards within the right-of-way such as, but not limited to, the following: access (driveway) connections, utility work, road construction, sidewalk construction or repair, ADA ramps, parades, bicycle or foot races, logging, vegetation management, traffic control and road closures. Our goal is to be able to manage the County right-of-way so that all activities meet applicable standards, thereby protecting the public infrastructure and the safety of the traveling public.

Before applying for a permit, please consult our list of Prohibited Activities, Road Jurisdiction Map, Lane Code Chapter 15 Roads regulations, and Road Design Diagrams. For the County to consider a design exception from the minimum Road Design Standard requirements, applicants must submit a Deviation Application, associated filing fee and supporting evidence. More information is provided in the Permit Requirements section, below.

Lane County administers Facility Permits for County roads – and not other jurisdictional roads, such as State highways or Local Access Roads (LAR). Lane County is also an agent for the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to issue and renew Continuous Operation Variance Permits (COVP).


Permit Requirements and Information

Utility Work Permits

Facility Permits are required for utility work, including but not limited to installation and maintenance of pipes, conduits, poles and vaults.

Click this link for information regarding the process, guidance, expectations, fees, work area parameters, and permit application revision rules: Utility Work Applicant Information Sheet

Click this link to access the application form: Facility Permit.

For more information contact: [email protected]

Access (Driveway) Permits

Facility Permits are required for the portion of the driveway located within the County right-of-way that connects private property to the County road; this driveway area between the County right-of-way and private property is also referred to as an access connection, apron, or approach. Work that requires a permit includes, but is not limited to the following: constructing a new, permanent approach; constructing a new, temporary approach (e.g., field access for logging activities); modifying an existing approach; removing an existing approach; repairing an existing approach; and evaluating an existing approach (e.g., to ensure it meets applicable standards for a proposed change in use of the access due to changes in land development). The permit process implements Lane Code Chapter 15 standards which regulates things like the number, width, location, and surface type of the access connection, as well as the size of the culvert where needed to cross a roadside ditch.

Click this link to access the application form: Facility Permit  (Please revisit this webpage for an updated application form which is expected to be posted in the coming months.)

The permit fee is $250 for a temporary access (along with a financial guarantee to ensure the connection is removed and the right-of-way is properly restored); or $450 for a permanent access. No fee is required at the time of application submittal. Staff will contact applicants with the amount due prior to permit issuance.

For more information or to submit a Facility Permit application for an access connection, contact: [email protected]

Special Events Permits


Facility Permits are required for special events that impact the County right-of-way. This includes but is not limited to events on private property that have traffic impacts on the County road, as well as on-road activities such as parades and bicycle races. Applicants are expected to apply at least eight (8) weeks prior to the event.

Click this link to access the application form: Events

(Please revisit this webpage for an updated application form which is expected to be posted in the coming months.)

Special Events require a $250 non-refundable application fee that acts as a deposit for the actual cost of services. The total cost shall include hourly costs for Direct Labor in addition to Operational Overhead. Any amount due in excess of the application fee shall be paid prior to the issuance of the permit.

Public Benefit Events are exempt from all fees and include events such as parades and festivals that incorporate the entire community. The include only those events open to the general public and which do not involve charging of admission or fees for attendance at the event. They also do not involve concession sales of food, drink or merchandise within public rights-of-way.

For more information or to submit a Facility Permit application for an access connection, contact: [email protected]

Road Construction

Facility Permits are required for road construction, such as drainage upgrades, sewer connections, new sidewalk construction and frontage improvements.

Click this link to access the application form: Facility Permit. (Please revisit this webpage for an updated application form which is expected to be posted in the coming months.)

The permit fee is a $1,000 deposit due at the time of application submittal and actual processing costs (beyond the deposit) to cover staff time and overhead for reviewing plans, conducting inspections, and discussions with applicants will be due prior to permit issuance. Also prior to permit issuance, applicants are required to provide a financial guarantee to cover 125% of the project construction costs which the County will hold for a one-year warranty period following construction. A sample bond form is provided here.

For more information or to submit a Facility Permit application for an access connection, contact: [email protected]

Miscellaneous/Other Activities Permit

Allows for consideration of activities within or adjacent to the County right-of-way not otherwise covered in the Facility Permit types described above. Examples include vegetation management, roadside logging, stormwater, road closures and traffic control.

Click this link to access the application form: Facility Permit. (Please revisit this webpage for an updated application form which is expected to be posted in the coming months.)

The permit fee is a $250 deposit due at the time of application submittal and actual processing costs (beyond the deposit) to cover staff time and overhead for reviewing plans, conducting inspections, and discussions with applicants will be due prior to permit issuance.

For more information or to submit a Facility Permit application for an access connection, contact: [email protected]

Deviations from Design Standards

Deviations (design exceptions) may be sought from the minimum Road Design Standard requirements specified in Lane Code (LC) 15.800, pursuant to LC 15.800130.

Click this link to access the application form: Deviation Application

The fee is a $1,000 due at the time of application submittal.

Click this link to access an informational handout:  Deviation Information Sheet

For more information or to submit an application contact: [email protected]

Over-Dimensional Permit

Lane County is an agent for the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to issue and renew Continuous Operation Variance Permits (COVP). COVP is an annual transportation permit for over-dimensional commercial vehicles that is valid in multiple jurisdictions in Oregon. There are 13 types of permits and the fee varies from $8.00 (State roads only) to $280.25 (State, City of Portland, and 36 counties).  A $5.00 service charge is included in the amounts shown. Some truck configurations may require more than one type of permit.

The permits desk is located at the
Public Works Customer Service Center at
3050 N. Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-4pm
Holiday Closures

Phone Number: (541) 682-6902