Chalk Fire

July 25, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

The Chalk Fire is one of several lightning-caused wildfire in the Oakridge area. 

View a responsive, searchable evacuation map. 


    Evacuation Information

    View a responsive, searchable evacuation map. (Search tip: start by only searching your house number and street name; don't add St. or Dr. For example: 983949 Rosalia)

    Level 1 (Be Ready) Evacuation Notice:
    • High Prairie area east of North Fork Road and north of Westfir-Oakridge Road to milepost 5.5 on High Prairie Road
    • East of High Prairie Road milepost 5.5, including Dead Mountain, Mountain View, Huckleberry and High Prairie Loop

    Level 1 (Be Ready) Evacuation Notice: Be aware of danger in your area, monitor emergency services websites and local news for information. This is the time for precautionary movement of people with special needs, mobile property and pets and livestock. If conditions worsen, emergency services personnel may contact you via an emergency notification system.

    Safety Messages


    Weather Updates

    The National Weather Service is the best resource to receive up to date information on current or forecasted weather conditions:

    Download the FEMA mobile app for weather alerts:

     Air quality information from Lane Regional Air Protection Agency

    Other Sources of Lane County Information





    Media Partners

    We regularly send updated information to our local media partners – digital, print, radio.

    Road Closures:

    Information About Firefighting Effort

    Inciweb page for Oakridge Lightning Fires

    • Find updates from the fire team about suppression efforts, updated fire boundary maps, photos and more

    Oregon Wildfire Response & Recovery from Oregon Emergency Management


    • Find an interactive map of current fires, air quality information, fire danger on Oregon Department of Forestry lands, and more.


     Wildfire cameras from ALERTWest and the University of Oregon Hazards Lab

    • Live feed of cameras located throughout the Oregon and the Western United States

    2024 Wildfire Season Evacuation Information -

    Click here for information about active evacuations.