Climate Action

Climate Change is Here 

Hotter temperatures, drought, wildfires, smoke, ocean acidification, and decreased mountain snowpack. It is caused by increased pollution in the air that traps heat in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the primary pollutant responsible for climate change and is released due to human activity, such as burning of oil, fuel, and natural gas; most electricity generation; and production of food and goods. Understanding the areas of greatest risk helped us develop a roadmap for our actions to reduce our impact and adapt to changes that are already here.

From Planning to Action 

In February 2020 the Lane County Board of Commissioners passed a resolution addressing the climate crisis. The resolution required Lane County to form a Climate Advisory Committee to develop the following

Phase 1: Internal Operations Climate Action Plan - 2021

Phase 2: Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan

Phase 3: Climate Adaption and Resilience Plan

These plans are documents that Lane County is using to prioritize actions to address climate change. Upon adoption of the final plan in December 2022, the Board of County Commissioners disbanded the Climate Advisory Committee and directed staff to focus on implementing the Climate Action Plans.

What are we doing now?

Passage of the federal Inflation Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is making billions of dollars available for states, Tribes, local governments, and public and private entities to tackle climate change. Lane County staff are working to identify opportunities to support our implementation efforts. We know that we are stronger together and staff is also leading and participating in various collaborative efforts to strengthen our impact. One of these efforts is the Lane Regional Resiliency Collaborative. Staff are also meeting regularly internally to implement actions in the Internal Operations Climate Action Plan, such as developing climate friendly procurement requirements, and adopting a Climate lens for the County’s Capital Improvement Plan. Lane County convenes a monthly meeting with external partners such as the City of Eugene, LRAPA, EWEB and the University of Oregon to coordinate climate action efforts.

Contact us if you are interested in collaborating on a grant opportunity.

Grants Submitted

So far this year, Lane County staff have submitted applications for the following climate related state and federal funding opportunities to support implementation of the Climate Action Plan:



Amount Requested

Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Community Grant Program (applied jointly with the City of Eugene)


Composting and Food Waste Reduction (CFWR) Pilot Project


Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) Planning Grant (applied jointly with LCOG)


Ride and Drive Electric – Letter of Interest (supported Lane Workforce Partnership application)


Consumer Electronics Battery Recycling, Repressing, and Battery Collection Grant


Community Charging Rebates


FEMA BRIC - Microgrid and Battery Energy Storage System – letter of intent


DLCD Technical Assistance Grant


NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge – Letter of Intent


We will keep this table updated with additional grant applications we submit and awards we receive.