February 27, 2025:
Beginning February 27, properties in unincorporated Lane County (meaning outside city limits and urban growth boundaries) that are zoned Rural Residential may be able to add a rental recreational vehicle (RV) to their property. See the news release here!
January 7, 2025:
Oregon Statewide Wildfire Hazard Maps became final January 7, 2025. The final Oregon Statewide Wildfire Hazard and Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Maps can now be viewed on the Oregon Explorer. The maps will be updated every five years or as future policy requires.
September 17, 2024:
Please pardon our dust! The website is currently under construction. You may notice new links, new pages, or missing or moved pages. If you are looking for something and can't find it, please reach out to us directly.
December 20, 2023:
House Bill 2192 (link embedded) becomes effective on January 1, 2024. This bill relates to state regulations for Farm and Forest Zone replacement dwellings. Please see the Planning Director's Advisory regarding the changes to state law made as a result of HB 2192.
New Application forms have been posted, as of 2/8/2024.
August 29, 2023:
On August 29, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners passed Ordinance 23-05 to allow ADUs on Rural Residential zoned properties in the rural areas of Lane County. The approved Ordinance can be viewed here. The application form can be found here. Additional information can be found here.
Temporary Rules in Response to 2020 Wildfires:
The Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission adopted temporary rules amending seven divisions of Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) chapter 660. The amendments are intended to assist communities with ongoing efforts to accommodate shelter and interim housing needs for individuals who have lost their homes or are otherwise displaced due to the effect of catastrophic wildfires on Oregon’s built environment. These rules allow for additional, temporary housing outside urban areas for a period 36 months. A county may grant two additional 12-months extensions upon demonstration that the use remains necessary. Lane County staff are working on application forms that contain these temporary provisions.
RCP Goal 5, Policy 11 Memo & Handout - Big Game Habitat
Big Game Memo
Policy 11 Handout