Code Modernization Project

At the Direction of the Board of Commissioners, the Land Management Division (LMD) has initiated a multi-year work program to update the land use elements of Lane Code. Under the Code Modernization Project (CMP) several separate but related legislative text amendments to Lane Code will be proposed.

The purpose of this website is share information about this project. All documents, meeting notices and other materials related to the project will posted as they are made available.

Lane Code Chapter 16 Resource Zones (Model Code) updates were adopted by the Board of Commissioners by Ordinance No. 20-06 and became effective on June 16, 2020.

Lane Code Chapter 13 update went before the Board of Commissioners and was adopted by ordinance on November 27, 2018. The language was effective December 27, 2018.
Lane Code Chapter 14 update went before the Board of Commissioners and was adopted by Ordinance No. 20-05 and was effective on June 16, 2020.           

Project Materials

Chapter 16 Resource Zones Update (Model Code) Documents (Ord. No 18-08)

Document Container
Lane Code Chapter 13 Update Documents (Ord. No. 18-07)

Chapter 14 Update Documents

Initial CMP Work Session information
June 21, 2016, CMP Policy Discussion Work Session with the Board of County Commissioners
     June 21, 2016 Staff Memorandum

May 10, 2016, CMP  Introductory Work Session with the Lane County Planning Commission
   May 10, 2016 Staff Memorandum

Staff Contacts

For detailed information on the above listed projects, please contact the staff person listed below:

Chapter 13 & 16 Updates
Lindsey Eichner, Senior Planner
[email protected]

Chapter 14 Updates
Amber Bell, Senior Planner
[email protected]

High Prairie Fire Evacuation Information -

Click here for information.